A selection...newborn/maternity related.

My knees are gonna hurt with all this bowing down to people.
Absolutely love the first shot. The rest are great too but 1 is superb.
:D Hehe..thank you. That first one was from a tough shoot. l love a challenge, but twins are hard work.
Well you seemed to have nailed that one. Portraiture is what I seem to have a knack for (nowhere near the level you guys are at) so all these pictures inspire me to keep going at it.
Wish I had access to a studio though :)
l've never used a studio. Well, l have...but dropped it pretty quickly. l much prefer natural light, and having to think on my feet.

Babies settle better at home too.
Well, in that case, even more praise to you. Seriously makes me wanna sprint home and have a go. My new daughter is about 8 weeks old and great to photo but she hardly stays still :-(
Tips? l have done shoots of sleeping 8 week olds...sometimes it works fine.

The best thing to do is get a very warm room, white noise, and keep her awake for as long as you can before a feed....then you should be ok.

l've done nearly 80 babies now, and as long as mum follows my instructions before the shoot it works. Famous last words. l have a 4 week old later.....:LOL:
Yep No.1 is just beautiful (y)(y)(y)

I did twins that are 1yr a couple of weeks ago (crawling and trying to walk... :bang:, sleeping babies (y))
Love all the images, great work.

All the images have a very natural feel to them.

Working in there own home seams to work just great for you.

all the best
I love how none of them look forced and unnatural. I think that numbers 1 and 4 are my favourites though they are all really good.
Stunning Maddie, No1 for me especially in b&w. It is just awesome. I agree, they are all very natural. I recognise the 'frog' pose dont I??? :thinking: How do you manage that????

Maddy these are beautiful, #1 especially :love: followed closely by #4!
Very sweet last one fav for me i am not too keen on the processing of #1 but that is complete personal preference but very cute
Thanks everyone.

All natural light..no reflectors or anything. lts sometimes a real challenge in small houses. l do love a challenge though.

Tips...oooh...warm room, delayed feed, delayed sleep, and white noise...and lots of patience. The average shoot takes me 3 hours.
Forgive me for seeming dense, but what do you use for the white noise?
Absolutely love the photo's by the way, I've got twin grandchildren on the way so it's about time I gave baby photography some thought
l simply downloaded white noise. Google it and you'll find lots of free ones. :)