A self harm awareness picture.


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I took this picture to raise awareness of self harm as it effects many many people.

Here it is on Flickr

Sorry if this isnt alowwed. Feel free to remove if its not alowwed.
Might want to fix the spelling first if you are promoting it to a lot of people - 'too' should be 'to'.
Yep. spelling needs checking
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How many people self harm with a sharpener in its whole state? Maybe with the blade but not with the plastic bit attached.
In terms of raising awareness of an issue that clearly effects a lot of people I think it may need to be a bit grittier.

Needs a bit of shock value maybe:shrug:

Not too sure how i would go about it though

(probably not much help:bang:)
true true, at that time though i didnt feel as i was able to have jstu the blade... for obvios reasons. I will re shoot though. I can do that now. :)

I understand what you mean birdy961... i really need to get some red food colouring!! lol.

thank you everyone :)
I don't think you need the red food colouring, but take a look at both mine and Clud17's 52 for this last week (Endings)... That might give some ideas...

I think the comment about the pencil sharpener is spot on... the plastic housing removes the effect.
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I did a similar image, not so long ago (also on my flickr). Red ink or food colouring is....useful...but messy! If you can get ahold of some of the stuff that they use in theatre makeup (not that expensive, honest, and you only need a couple of the capsules rather than a bottle).

What could be a great shot alongside that one, is someone crying, but blood instead of tears and a blade somewhere in the shot. Ok a bit grusome.
How many people self harm with a sharpener in its whole state? Maybe with the blade but not with the plastic bit attached.

I was going to mention that.
I think to have a truly powerful image, it should be only and image. A picture speaks a thousand words and all that.

People should be able to tell what is happening in the image, without it being too blatantly obvious.

If i were to go about it, the first idea that enters my head would be an upset, crying girl, lots of running mascara, preferably with black hair. I would have her slouched over a desk, head resting on her arm looking just past the camera. That would be the bg, slightly oof, and in the foreground, an open pair of steel/chrome scissors, possibly with the tiniest amount of blood on the blade.

I don't think you need to see scars, cuts, scratches or blood. With something like this, i think what you don't see will be more powerful. Kinda works well with the idea that a self harmer will always try and hide it too.

Sorry, i know it's a completely different idea and not really critique on your shot. I get a bit carried away some times.
I think to have a truly powerful image, it should be only and image. A picture speaks a thousand words and all that.

People should be able to tell what is happening in the image, without it being too blatantly obvious.

If i were to go about it, the first idea that enters my head would be an upset, crying girl, lots of running mascara, preferably with black hair. I would have her slouched over a desk, head resting on her arm looking just past the camera. That would be the bg, slightly oof, and in the foreground, an open pair of steel/chrome scissors, possibly with the tiniest amount of blood on the blade.

I don't think you need to see scars, cuts, scratches or blood. With something like this, i think what you don't see will be more powerful. Kinda works well with the idea that a self harmer will always try and hide it too.

Sorry, i know it's a completely different idea and not really critique on your shot. I get a bit carried away some times.

That could be misinterpreted though. She might have just cut a finger on the scissors and be upset over it.

Alternatively there might be a dead bunny just out of shot.

With no text or marks to give context it could be anything
Maybe. I made the assumption that the image would be used in an awareness poster/leaflet or something.

It's quite an odd subject to take photos of without having some specific use for the image in mind.
Maybe. I made the assumption that the image would be used in an awareness poster/leaflet or something.

It's quite an odd subject to take photos of without having some specific use for the image in mind.

Ok here goes.
When i took this picture. i had this huuuuuuge idea of trying to help people stop Self Harming... at the time. I was stopping myself. I had gone what a week? sommat like that... The only thing that kept me off it was takeing pictures that were in some what related.
Ahh right, fair cop.

So what is your plan for getting these images out and seen by the right people? It sounds like an interesting project.
Not sure yet! haha. I still would like to do it. Intersting yes. And personally i guess to!

edit - though... i need more pictures! And people who are willing to be in them. lol.
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OK - talking from the point of view of an ex - self harmer (good luck with stopping btw - hope it's going well!) there are a few aspects of this photo that dont 'ring true'

Some of them - such as the spelling, and the blade still encased in plastic have been mentioned but also:

None of my SH was ever so neat -I think jaggedy writing would look a lot better.

I'd also use only one of the phrases in your sentence - either "it kinda just happened" or "I had to"

Without wanting to go into too much detail - part of the 'fascination' (for want of a better phrase) for me of SH was watching the blood afterwards - so maybe find some way of adding a trickle of blood or two?