A set of Scottish squares

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A wee set of old images, some as far back as 2015 processed recently...I'm going through a bit of a square 1:1 phase....

The Buachaille and Waterfall square by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Stac a Phris sunrise 2018 by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Rattray 2015 square by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Bow Fiddle Rock square by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Butt of Lewis sunset 2018 by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Dunottar Castle sunset by Martin Steele, on Flickr

Skye Salt flats Blaven LE by Martin Steele, on Flickr
Fantastic set , each and every one are simply beautiful however as chrism8 has stated Number 3 is the pick of the bunch for me also

Nice, diverse collection Martin.
Thank you Toni :)

Thank you Mark :)

Lovely as always bud.
Thanks Dale mate :)

#3 is superb and the pick of the set for me :cool:
Thank you Chris...funnily enough it's the oldest image of the set, taken back in 2015 on my first visit there. I've been countless times since and never had better :)

Fantastic set , each and every one are simply beautiful however as chrism8 has stated Number 3 is the pick of the bunch for me also

Thank you Harry :)

awesome set....
Thank you Bob :)

This might be as a series the best I've seen on TP.

Especially the 1st 4 :D

I love a square also
Kind words mate. I think the first 4 sum up me and my style and what I like to shoot the most out of any other images I've ever taken, and seeing them together emphasises that. :)

Great set. I think square is a great aspect ratio for Landscapes (I use Bronica SQ-Ai for film shooting) Charlie Waite made it his signature back in the film days. These wouls sit nicely alongside Charlie's work IMO.
Thank you Paul, lovely words and high praise indeed! :)
Wish I could join you but sitting in the sunshine at the moment with all the symptoms of Covid although its just a summer cold.
Covid results came back negative this morning.
Enjoy ;)

If it's negative just head on up :D

If you do decide to head on up I drive a black Volvo S80 and will be there around 7, probably on the dunes either with the 645z or 5ds or both...:D
"Excellent" set of landscape/seascape shots Martin, no fav's I'm liking them all very much.
Absolutely stunning, I’m in awe. 1st, 3rd and last are my favourites, but I’d be ecstatic to have any of these in my library
Lovely set of images there and the compositions work with the square format. Number three is my favourite.
Beautiful set, Martin (y)
A few of the locations not too far from home so nice to see photographers actualy coming to the East Coast ;)
Thank you Mike...love the east coast, I need another visit soon I think! :)

All wonderful to be honest :)
Thank you Des

Wonderful work
Thank you Mark

"Excellent" set of landscape/seascape shots Martin, no fav's I'm liking them all very much.
Thank you George

Lovely set and they suit the format. Despite the difference in subject matter they all feel like they are by the same author which is a really good thing
Thank you Simon, appreciate that, as I do like to think I have a style throughout my work that makes them all work together

All crackers Martin.
Thanks Scott mate

Absolutely stunning, I’m in awe. 1st, 3rd and last are my favourites, but I’d be ecstatic to have any of these in my library
Thank you Simon

Lovely set of images there and the compositions work with the square format. Number three is my favourite.
Thank you
Real class that's quite rare even on this forum.
However I hate 'milk' instead of 'water' but I'm the odd one out and can see right past my prejudices.
Thanks ;)
I love square. Your images are perfect for that format. I shoot 6x6 film but often crop my digital to 6x6 because that is how I originally saw the image,
Stunning images. I can't get enough of Scotland. Although it tends to be more for mountain biking purposes haha!
Real class that's quite rare even on this forum.
However I hate 'milk' instead of 'water' but I'm the odd one out and can see right past my prejudices.
Thanks ;)
Thank you Ted

I love square. Your images are perfect for that format. I shoot 6x6 film but often crop my digital to 6x6 because that is how I originally saw the image,
Thank you Morris

Stunning images. I can't get enough of Scotland. Although it tends to be more for mountain biking purposes haha!
Thank you Chris
Fab set of pics and like the processing.
They're very impressive. The first one makes a real impact. Love the lighthouse shot.
Fine set of images
Lovely work Martin
#3 is my fave
#1 for me ,bow-fiddle rock I like also , I will be there next weekend .