A Shed (HDR)

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Quite pleased with this one...

Very nice example of HDR.
very nicely done and good use of HRD. I would be interested to see the shed straightened a little to stop the door leaning quite so much. Im sure you know how to do this but if any one does not. Open image in Photoshop and hit CTRL A then CTRL T then right click, skew. move the points until it looks right.
Sailing against the wind a little....I like the distortion in this...it draws me in!

Nicely processed, HDR as it most appeals to me :)
Very nice indeed, made a potentially dull subject very interesting. Not usually a fan of HDR but you have stuck what I believe to be a sound balance between with this shot. Very competent and well made image in my view.
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Hi Adam,
You must must be very pleased how this came, I would
surely be happy as larry.
Hi Adam,
You must must be very pleased how this came, I would
surely be happy as larry.

I sure was very happy! Especially after having a few beers too :)

Wow Coops, a very good balance of colours. What focal length was this shot at?

Vital stats are: Canon 600D - Tamron 10-22 @ 10mm, handheld. 6 exposures bracketed using magic lantern firmware. Processed with Nik Software HDR Efex 2 then enhanced in Lightroom 4
Exceptional HDR processing, and a great composition too

Who would have thought a photo of a shed could be so appealing