A spar came calling

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I looked out of the window this morning and there was this handsome chap sitting on the fence. If he was looking for the blackbirds that are usually rearranging my garden early doors he was out of luck, or maybe he was scoping the place out ready for a dawn raid tomorrow.
Not a great image as the only camera ready to go had a 135mm lens fitted so it's a big crop, and it was taken through a double glazed window that's definitely seen better days and needs replaced (and will be soon), but still the best image I've managed of a sparrowhawk in the garden.

Sparrowhawk 220519 01.jpg
An attractive bird and well taken, considering that it was through double glazing! Sometimes that's all you can do because trying to go outside for a clearer shot would spook it. I have a few somewhat similar photographs of a buzzard that visited my wife's garden when she lived in a rural area.

I also found a dead sparrowhawk next to the bird table at the same house. It's neck was broken, no sign of other damage/injuries and I reckon it misjudged things and collided with the table when it was trying to collect a meal ...
Thank you guys. I can't get outside if I see a hawk from inside the house without spooking it. He was away before I could fit a longer lens to the other camera.
I've had - a sparrowhawk chasing a wood pigeon into the wall of the farm house over the road. Unfortunately the ground the pigeon fell on was so overgrown the hawk couldn't retrieve its meal; one take a blackbird from the fence above my head; one sitting on the fence (where this one was) while I was sitting on the bench about 6 feet away. Didn't have a camera to hand for any of them, of course...............