A spot of Football... and Hockey...

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Just a few bits and bobs from the last couple of weeks.

I spend a fair bit of time on the famous Hackney Marshes... often hunting for the right pitch (there are 87 of 'em) so I can shoot the game I've been assigned to cover.

Stop the ball and watch your opponent fly past...


This is a bit of a pull-up (from the other end of the pitch) but I think it's mildly amusing... and the 'keeper conceded a vital penalty with his flying challenge...


Even Atlético Madrid play the odd game in the Hackney & Leyton League... ;)


A flying challenge from a match this morning...


Hockey is a 'minority' sport in the UK... but judging by the amount of clubs that I cover - and the number of teams each club fields - participation levels must be very high...

Some leg-stick symmetry (at least the ball's on the ground)...


You need to be brave to play a game when the ball's this hard...


It's even harder to play the ball when it's off the ground...


Keep concentrating if you're going to shrug off your opponent...


Thanks for looking. Comments appreciated.

More sports galleries here: www.tgsphoto.co.uk

---- Gavin
Can't see them. Just red crosses :shrug::thinking:
Those are super sharp and a good set of action shot. (y)
ISO 2000 :eek:
I think I've done ok with my sports shots then I see images like these, and I want to bin my gear :(
I think I've done ok with my sports shots then I see images like these, and I want to bin my gear :(

And these are all in daylight, wait till Gavin posts some evening matches, not only will you bin your gear but take up knitting or something that will keep you sat by a fireside!

Gavin, be it here or on other forum's!, your selections you post are an inspiration.
Having signed form's to get my boot's back on, looking at these makes me want to get back out on the sidelines with the camera!
If I had to pick a fav the "flying keeper" because of his eyes on the player. Closely followed by first ladies hockey photo as it looks like she's on her mobile! ha ha.

Love the expressions and the captions!

That second one the goalies top looks a bit like one of those flying suits worn by nutters that throw themselves off mountains and glide down :LOL:
Cheers folks!

...posts some evening matches...
Thanks Shaun...

In my never-ending quest to find the worst floodlights in football, here are a couple I've salvaged from some recent midweek matches:

1/250s, f/2.8, ISO6400


1/400s, f/2.8, ISO6400



---- Gavin
I hate you, I hate you, I hate you..............

Still reckon you alter your exif! ha ha

As regards your search for the worst floodlights I think Kipax might have a say in that vote!

Thanks for posting, I'm off to start diy or something.....

Love the original posts. Excellent shots.

Can't help thinking there are some 'lookalikes' in the photos...

#1 Has a resemblance to Roy Keane.

#2 The goalie looks a bit like Ian Wright.

#3 Looks a bit like Wayne Rooney.

Maybe they all moonlight on a Sunday AM down on the marshes... :LOL:
If you are looking for the worst floodlights.. pop down to Swanage. I do the photography and website for them and at night I dont even bother getting my camera out.

These are unbelievably sharp mate.. think im gonna quit!!
Gavin, I would go out in disguise for a while as it seems that people will hunt you down and mug you for your talent......clearly an accomplished tog well done really nice set, as you can see by avatur thingy, I am a long suffering cherry........give it a few weeks and will be able to have our floodlights for free to carry around and all your midweek issues will be solved...............keep up the good work and you make me jealous aswell.:clap::clap::clap:
Apologies for being blonde, how can I view the EXIF?

Google opanda, that should sort you out.........

Trev, should have a look at Hamble's wessex league lights. How they make 120 lux is anyones guess............

Tigerimages, think i remember you from another forum? Have the mighty Bash paid you a visit yet this season?

Phil, have faith they saved themselves before....... maybe they should take a look at Aldershot?

Colne FC (North West Counties) ... Last saturday.. Never seen it so dark. I just about gave up and didn't bother unless it looked like a goal shot.. no point taking action.

I am saving for a MKIII .. just bought a 24-70L from kerso.. gotta stop buying and save.. I want the new body well before next winter. Should survive over summer with the MKII:)
Tigerimages, think i remember you from another forum? Have the mighty Bash paid you a visit yet this season?
Bashley? Not come to us yet but we've been to them, it was sunny that day so I got to use my 1.4 TC, which was nice!

link - apologies to Gavin ;)
They are superb, Very sharp and froze the action at perfect times!
I like the dof, really allows them to stand out