A tale of sorts


Prefers Mac over PC any day
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A farmer goes out to his field one morning only to find all of his
>> cows frozen solid. As far as the eye can see are cows, motionless like
>> statues. It had been a bitterly cold night, but he'd never thought
>> anything like this would happen.
>> The realisation of the situation then dawned on him. With his entire
>> livestock gone, how would he make ends meet? How would he feed his
>> wife and kids? How would he pay the mortgage? He sat with his head in
>> his hands, trying to come to terms with his impending poverty.
>> Just then, an elderly woman walked by, "What's the matter?" asked the old
>> lady.
>> The farmer gestured toward the frozen cows and explained his
>> predicament to the woman.
>> Without hesitation the old woman smiled and began to rub one of the
>> cows noses. After a few seconds the cow began to twitch and was soon
>> back to normal and chewing the cud.
>> One by one, the old woman defrosted the cows until the whole field was
>> full of healthy animals. The farmer was delighted and asked the woman
>> what she wanted as a repayment for her deed.
>> She declined his offer and walked off across the field.
>> A passer-by who had witnessed the whole thing approached the farmer.
>> "You know who that was don't you?" asked the passer-by.
>> "No" said the farmer "who?"
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>>>>> wait for it
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>>>>> it's worth it.....trust me
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>>>>> "That was Thora Hird."