A Tripod Question... 190XPROB and 055 Series Related

April 2008
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A lot of people recommend the Manfrotto 190XPROB, but I have a couple of questions...

1. Given that the centre column is the weakest link on a tripod, is the 190XB more rigid. And if you have the PRO, do you use the centre column in it's horizontal position.

2. I'm quite tall at 6' 1.5" and although I don't shoot much standing up, I did find my cheapy tripod was too short for a standing up self portrait. The 190 series seem shorter than the 055 series - upto 20cm! Should I look at an 055?

3. What sort of weight limit should I aim for, thinking ahead to any future camera/lens upgrades? At the mo, i'd imagine the 400D and my sigma 24-70 f/2.8 is the heaviest. But say I got a 5D and one of those funny colour Canon lenses at some point. Any idea's what sort of weight I'd that would be?
1) I would absolutely recommend the 055PRO over the 190PRO

A mate of mine has the 190Pro with the 322RC2 and I bought myself the 055Pro with a 322RC2 after having worked with his 190.

The central column in horizontal position works well, yes

2) YES!! For the very reason you mention - do know that the 055 fully extended is NOT extremely stable but at least you have the height if you want it...I wouldn't use it fully extended in a gale-force wind on a mountain-top but I think you know where I am going with that...

3) I use my 1Ds MkII on it - no probs
The 055 has a maximum weight capability of 7KGs...take away about 750 Grams (322RC2) and that leaves you with a generous 6.3 - 6.4 kgs...The 322RC2 can only carry 5 Kgs.

1D = about 1.6 kgs and 70-200/2.8 IS @ 1.4 kgs...3kgs...quite safe

For a 600 f/4 you would need to reconsider ;)

I just purchased the 055xprob with the 804rc2 3 way head. The 190 just wasn't as stable as I wanted it to be when fully extended. Havnt had much time to go out and put it through its paces yet, but I am off to the Lake District tomorrow so will review it properly then.
I see the 804 3-way head is rather popular...can't understand why though:bonk:

I had to work with the RC 141 3-way head for years and cursed to no end trying to set up shots...O.K. photographing fingerprints on a forklift 4m off a factory floor is not your everyday thing but still, when I first saw the 322 I just had to buy it...;)
I would say anyone 6ft or over should buy the 055. I have the basic 055 without the horizontal arm but then I will very rarely use it. I changed my 3 way head for a ball type head (see for sale forum) but that is a personal choice thing.

Weight wise I would recon the 055 would take all but the heaviest gear combo, it certainly copes well with my 40D and 70-200 2.8 IS.

I'm sure if you do a search there are similar posts on here about this.

Another thing to remember is, added to the legs you have the head and camera so this brings the viewfinder up about 9 inches from the top of the legs!
1) I would absolutely recommend the 055PRO over the 190PRO

A mate of mine has the 190Pro with the 322RC2 and I bought myself the 055Pro with a 322RC2 after having worked with his 190.

The central column in horizontal position works well, yes

2) YES!! For the very reason you mention - do know that the 055 fully extended is NOT extremely stable but at least you have the height if you want it...I wouldn't use it fully extended in a gale-force wind on a mountain-top but I think you know where I am going with that...

3) I use my 1Ds MkII on it - no probs
The 055 has a maximum weight capability of 7KGs...take away about 750 Grams (322RC2) and that leaves you with a generous 6.3 - 6.4 kgs...The 322RC2 can only carry 5 Kgs.

1D = about 1.6 kgs and 70-200/2.8 IS @ 1.4 kgs...3kgs...quite safe

For a 600 f/4 you would need to reconsider ;)

Ditto! Got the 055 Pro with the 322 and love it. I shoot a lot of macro so the horizontal arm is a great help. Recommended!!
Thanks for the comments people... especially the 055 recommendations :)

The horizontal arm... is it's main use for macro and 'leaning in' to shots?
Thanks for the comments people... especially the 055 recommendations :)

The horizontal arm... is it's main use for macro and 'leaning in' to shots?

i find it invaluable when lying in the mud and on the beach, getting down really low
also handy for getting closer to the macro work, ie getting over the edge of the kitchen table
The horizontal arm... is it's main use for macro and 'leaning in' to shots?

The rotating arm is the best thing since sliced bread and makes the tripod very adaptable. This is my Gitzo in macro mode - you can actually get the camera right down to ground level.


The rotating arm is useful for any low level shots and invaluable for any situation where you may want the camera pointing vertically downwards - document copying etc.
Excellent! I'm sold on the benefits of the horizontal arm! Vertical photography (y)

Thanks :)