A Whopper (self portrait)

My youngest stubbed my toe and now its gone missing

Hate to disappoint but taking pictures of the epidural was an absolute no-no. In a way you should be thankful as I had not realised how revealing (for want of a better word) the procedure was.

When they say 'You may feel a tiny scratch' that must be the second biggest lie in the universe. The tiny scratch is someone shoving a thing the size of a knitting needle into your back.

Anyhow, done and dusted and the staff were superb but no pictures I'm afraid.

This thread is truly vomit inducing :puke:

May I make my own small contribution to the general grossness of TP member's weird body parts?

Not strictly an injury. I have hypermobility in my joints (what used to be called double-jointedness until we went all politically correct)
Basically, it means that I can do this :

I can do that (the thumbs too !)...and i am a man ! :D