A Windy Day, A Pinhole Camera and a Pile of Rocks


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Dragged the Pinhole Holga out for a session yesterday afternoon at Sandal Castle. Had to have the Tripod legs out full width and the Camera bag hung below just to stop the whole lot blowing away.

All on Ilford Delta 100, processed in Perceptol @ stock solution, 15 minutes and scanned on my Canoscan 8800F/Silverfast SEplus. Holga had the 6x9 frame installed, leaving me with 8 shots from a roll of 120.

1] Ruins

Delta100_2011-02-03_002.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
10 elephants @ f:135

2] Vintage Grafitti

Delta100_2011-02-03_003.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
9 elephants @ f:135

3] Castle

Delta100_2011-02-03_007.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr
70 elephants @ f:135 (with a ND3 filter)

I really must get a better scanner mounting frame for the 120 film. :(
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Very nice shots, the second one grabs me most. It's a more information dense image.
Cheers - I'd pretty much forgotten just how wide the Holga is - it pretty much feels like it's as wide as the 17 end of my 17-40 on 35mm in terms of coverage - hardest bit is not getting the tripod leg in shot on the vertical aspect shots :LOL: Hadn't shot with it for months, and I'd plain forgotten you need to treat it like a UWA lens, get something in the foreground or it's just plain boring :(
Your elephants are doing you proud, I like #1 the best the composition is pleasing on the eye.

Just Souped the 2 rolls of C41 from a prior attempt with the pinhole, and there were a couple from this location on the end. This one had the elephants working better than the other :shrug:

Reala100_2011-02-03_007a.jpg by The Big Yin, on Flickr

Fuji Reala this time, home souped in Tetenal C41 kit, scanned on my Canoscan 8800F/Silverfast SEplus. I think this was 10 Elephants @ f:135 :)