A Yellow flower

It is very yellow :cool: I would say that this is just a little bit over saturated :shrug: and I'm not sure that focus is right, it looks like the focus is back of the flower as the centre of flower looks a tiny bit soft :shrug:

I think though drop the saturation a little and a tiny bit of sharpening and I think it would look great (y)

hmmm, thanks for the comment Matthew,

I did tweak the sat, lighting and contrast quite a bit in photoshop tbh.

Will have another play about with it :)

ok had a little play with it, it does look a bit better, not hugely knowledgable on post processing pictures, usually i don't bother lol

Yellow Flower round2 by Seraph82, on Flickr
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compositionally it needs some weight one way or the other
crop...it wont hurt
then the colour could be a bit buttery
the over exposed areas can be blitzed
and the background brought under control
all require medium skills in photoshop
..<snip>..not hugely knowledgable on post processing pictures, usually i don't bother lol

i was that way as well...but found with my snapshot methods i needed some help to get the shots up to showing level
so pp became my crutch...its been years since i started on various software and require sometime up to 3 pp sessions to 'put right' my shots
usually though family snaps are ok...:thinking:
I'm being brutally honest Ben, I wouldn't waste any more time on it, ditch it and start again.

Pick a nice specimen to start with and try and isolate it from it's background. Don't shoot flowers in full sun, it doesn't do them justice. Use a piece of card or an umbrella even to shade the bloom from the harshness of the suns rays.

Looking forward to the next attempt, I'm sure it will be a lot better.
I'm coming to the belief that George above is correct, I don't suppose that you want to put up an SOOC version just to see what it looks like with no editing, as I've just had a go with the first one what you uploaded and there was nothing I could do, but I would like to see the original just to see if it can be saved (y)


aa1 by mrcrow_uk, on Flickr

here is my try...couldnt get the sharpness to come too well
just cropped, took out highlights and killed the background a bit
further to this i would take out the shadow lines on the actual flower from branches above
but really...to take another armed with a bit of forethought could be much better and not take so much time to bring out the flowers attributes
Hi Geoffrey,

Yes i agree, i attempted the crop and sharpness & lighting route in PS earlier without much success, totally agree the shot in whole is hopelessly bad lol, but thanks for the insight on how to prepare for next time, will remember it :)