Absolutely blown away...

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
Edit My Images
No no no, it's umpteen years old and only cost £1.99, they're obviously rubbish, stop it please :runaway::runaway::runaway::banana::)

Yep - total rubbish.

And they had the damn nerve to charge me £2.50.

I've half a mind to take it back.

Actually, on second thoughts, I just have half a mind.

Why not let the digi boys know you can shoot full frame for £2:50.
Results like this show it's worth splashing out...
It is amazing that you always obtain crisp and clean B&W shots and these are no different.I think #2 and 11 are my favourites,but,all round a very good set from your XA2.(y)
No no no, it's umpteen years old and only cost £1.99, they're obviously rubbish, stop it please :runaway::runaway::runaway::banana::)

^^^^^ That That That

*Looks at display cabinet. Hmm there's a little space just there that..... NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!!!!

Lovely pix :)
Thanks everyone.

Why not let the digi boys know you can shoot full frame for £2:50.

I think we should keep it to ourselves ;)

you always obtain crisp and clean B&W shots

Thanks - I try. I just wish weird things didn't happen when uploading from flickr. I'm tempted to save a different version to upload to a TP album before posting. Bit of a faff though.

*Looks at display cabinet. Hmm there's a little space just there that..... NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!!!!

Oh go on. It's just so cute. :)
At one time, I had three XA2s, an XA and the wide angle XA4.

I gave away the XA2s, sold the XA4 (bought for 50p - sold for £60!) and now just have the XA.

Thanks - I try. I just wish weird things didn't happen when uploading from flickr. I'm tempted to save a different version to upload to a TP album before posting. Bit of a faff though.

Try Photobucket.
I totally understand the love for it.
I'm going out with it again tomorrow.

I've never looked forward to going out so much. :)

And thank you Paul.
Mmm, I may bring mine to Stratford, it hasn't really had much of a run out.
I have my wifes old XA3, it's been round the World a couple of times and works well apart from the frame counter which no longer moves.

Those are excellent sharp scans. I really must work on my technique.
What was good then... is still Good.....
Have both an XA2 and XA and for Good measure an original Trip.
Following on from your needing to take with the viewfinder point, I find I need to be more careful where I put my fingers haha. They keep squeezing into the shot >.<