Action/Helmet Camera

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In the next few months I'll be getting a motorbike to commute to work on. However, I work in Central London where as you know the roads are very congested which has lead me to think about getting a helmet mounted camera just in case. But my problem is, I don't know anything about this style of camera (apart from the GoPro) and I was wondering if anyone could recommend any.

Due to all the other current expenses (new house, new baby, new bike all within 3 months of each other) I don't have much to spend on one so would probably be around the £50.00 but may be stretched a little. It has to be waterproof (so either straight out of the box or seperate but within budget) and would need to be shockproof (but I'm assuming they're all shockproof what with having no moving parts??)

And that's about it really. I'm very grateful for any help anyone can give me.
7day shop do a gopro copy.. but think your budget is a little low.
Have a look at a couple of bike forums (motor or mountain bike) for some ideas. I'm on a couple of car forums and there's been quite a lot of discussion about them for in car use, with videos to look at on you tube etc.