advice for a friend as i have no idea where to start

Edit My Images
Hi all I am unsure where to start here. A friend of mine attended a dog show and a picture of her dog was then placed on the show club website without her knowledge or permission, now the thing is the image is poor and she has requested the image be removed, the reply she got was the image is mine (person who took the pic)to do what i want with.
Does she have any rights to have the image removed?
Does the person who owns the pic own the website, if not ask her to get intouch with tthe owner of the web site and ask for it to be removed.

I know most people on here say that once a pic is taken, no matter who or what it is of belongs to them to do what they want with it, but surely times like this where the person who the pic is of disagrees with them on the usage commen sence should prevail and it should be removed.

Just my 2 cents

I am inclined to agree spike, I don't think she owns the site but is an administrator of it as its a club website of which they are all members of said club, but will pass on any info.
Does it really matter, if i went to the site and saw the pic i might go "oh thats a rubbish picture" and thats it, would it really have any comeback on the dogs owner.
does not matter to me as such, but to the breed people it matters a lot!
but does it say who the breeder, dog is, if not then its just another bad picture of a dog.
Ok understood, they should have every right to ask for it to be taken dow then i would of thought.
You could also offer to take a better quality photograph of the dog and offer it to them to replace the poor image:)
my thoughts are, that when your friend joined the club she should have made it clear that no photos could me made public without her first seeing them.
I would have thought that as it shows the affix and name of the dog the breeder has a case for asking / insisting it is removed. Having spent some time usually years working on a breeding programme to develop a line then any poorly taken photos that can cause damage to the breeders reputation or particular line of that breed the breeder should have a right to insit they are a true representation of her dog and if not then they should be removed.
she can ask but she has few rights when it comes to insisting, so a polite ask is her best bet
However on the entry was there a clause about the club appointing only an "official" photographer for the event? If so and you sign up to enter you leave yourself open to having a photo published. That assumes she had an entry in a class and never turned up as a spectator.

And from my exposure to show lines people would never base an opinion on a line by one poor photo of the dog, the breeder would be ****ed off but everyone who is serious and in the know would pass it off as a bad photo.
As above, it would depend on the T&C's of entry into what is effectively private land. Unless the taking of the photo breached those T&C's then I don't think they can insist it is removed. As advised earlier, a polite ask is probably the best way.

There could be a case for loss of earnings if the photo could be proven to be detrimental to the dog owners business but that would be difficult.