Advice needed for indoor sports photos

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Hi all,
Pretty new to digital slr photography, and being a big mouth, I have volunteered to take some photos at my sons swimming match this weekend. This means taking indoor photos without flash and using zoom, as I will only be able to take photos from the spectators stand. Any tips and advice would be appreciated, as I am supposed to be showing the photos to the club members on their website, so they need to be fairly good. I realise swimming is probably a hard sport to photograph well, but if I can at least get all my camera settings right, I will have a fighting chance to get some good snaps.
Thanks for any help...
You really need to tell us what camera and lens you use... However as we cant see how much light you have.. we can only give you an indication of what to do based on your equipment
Its a Fuji Finepix HS10, so have plenty of zoom!!
The pool where they are swimming is not great for light, if I remember correctly, definately not much natural light, thats for sure. I guess I will just have to experiment during the warm up, and see what gets the best results. Will have another read of the manual too.
So your main problem will be achieving a decently fast shutter speed to stop the motion of the swimmers and get nice sharp shots. You probably want at least 1/400th of a second or more if you can get it. Going lower than that and you'll risk camera shake especially when zoomed a lot and motion blur. If you can't get a fast enough shutter speed you'll need to increase the sensor sensitivity or ISO, but the problem with that is you get noisier images.

The second problem is shooting from the stands. You are immediately restricted with your shooting angles and therefor the quality of your pictures. If possible, move around, find the lightest area to get the fastest shutter speed, and get some variety in your shots.

Good luck!