Advice needed.........

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I've been sent to you guys by kerso, so hopefully you can help.
I'm looking to get a new lens for my Canon 400d. I have the kit lens, but the less said about that the better!!
OK, I'll explain a little bit about my situation:
I'll be using it to take candid close ups of the children mainly indoors. (I prefer close ups to avoid distracting backgrounds indoors, and I'd prefer that they fill the whole frame) My situation makes things alittle unusual. Normally I'd go for the 50mm f1.8, I know people normally recommend that one for indoor shots, but I need a zoom as I'm not mobile (I'm in a wheelchair). I don't have the option of moving closer or further away, well not easily, so that's why I thought a zoom would be best. I think I'm going to go with a flash too. So, I'm thinking of Canon 70mm - 200mm f4 L USM, Canon 28mm - 105mm f3.5 - 4.5 USM II or the Canon 28mm - 135mm f3.5 - 5.6 IS USM.
Are any of these lenses what you'd recommend, or can you recommend something else, bearing in mind the fact I can't zoom with my feet?
Any advice much appreciated
biggest question to ask is what sort of budget do you have ?

If indoor shots, you would normally say a larger aperture lens, ie F2.8, but the 70-200 F4L IS with its image stabilizing may be a good buy, also the Sigma 70-200 F2.8 is good too, the non L lenses can produce ok images, but usually have to be stepped down, which isnt always good indoors. There is also the 24-105 F4L forgot that one :)

If you can let us know budget it would help to narrow things down a bit though :) hope this helps and welcome to the forum.
Thanks for replying. My budget is really no more than £500. I understand what you say about the lens needing a larger apeture, but I was hoping using a flash would compensate for that. Let me know what you recommend.
Just another word of warning, your camera has a 1.6x crop factor, so a 70mm isn't 70mm but effectively 1.6x70mm.

Bear in mind how far you need to be away from a child sized object to get even a face full frame - its further back than you think.

A 70-200mm whilst an excellent lens is probably too much in a house with a 1.6x crop factor.
of the one's you've listed Sarah I'd get the 28-105 F3.5-4.5. I'm biased though as I've already got it. It's fast focussing, sharp and compact. Highly under rated in my opinion. Have a look at this thread, not exactly portraits but gives you some idea of what it is capable of :)

Others to consider which have a good reputation though are the tamron 28-75mm F2.8 and the sigma 24-70mm F2.8, cracking lenses and nice big apertures :)
of the one's you've listed Sarah I'd get the 28-105 F3.5-4.5. I'm biased though as I've already got it. It's fast focussing, sharp and compact. Highly under rated in my opinion. Have a look at this thread, not exactly portraits but gives you some idea of what it is capable of :)

Those are great shots. I'm nowhere near that good, but I'm enthusiastic, so hope to be some day:)
The lens you suggested, have you used it indoors? How does it hold up, would you recommend a flash? I'd love the L version, but it's way out of my price range!
I have the 28-135 IS lens that i use for live band photos. it's not a bad lens at all, and the IS really comes into its own indoors or low light. some examples on my website.
Good luck with which ever one you choose. Just remember one's gonna be's a CANON!!:clap: