Advice on a bridge camera for a newbie

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Hi guys and gals

I am open to suggestions and advice on a bridge camera , I currently have a sony cybershot 5 mp point and shoot but want something more advanced but I am not confident for a DSLR so bridge camera it is .

Currently watching a fujifilm finepix S5700 on fleabay , so was wondering if anyone out there had advice or opions on them or suggestions on a different make or model

Going to be used mainly for family photos and day to day photos but plan on starting a part time photography course in September at my local college .

Ta John
I had the s5600 a while ago and to be totally honest it was not that great. My father now has a s5700 which seems a little better but still struggles. I found it ok for the money and the bonus of having the extra zoom range but that is about all I can say really.

Indoor and low light shots could be taken but they where not very pleasing too look at. They suffered with a lot of noise and where very grainy. Plus due to it taking it's time to actually take the shot quite a few where missed. The same goes for the s5700 after I had a play with fathers.

How much do you have too spend?

Why do you think you are not advanced enough for a dslr? You can always use the auto setting and then progress onto further more advanced settings as and when you learn.

I bought a canon dslr only 9 months ago ( my first proper camera) mainly due to the birth of my daughter and without knowing a lot I have got some cracking shots with a little help from the forum.

If you are doing a course I think you will very quickly outgrow that camera.
The Fuji have some good cameras and are possible one of the best for a bridge camera. I bought a Fuji S9600 a few years ago and had really great results with it and only last August moved to a DSLR. I have been considering selling the 9600, so if interested, look it up on the Web first and you can always PM me if you wish.

Sean , my budget is roughly £100 max , I thought that as I was starting on the basic course at college and then progressing that my camera would progress as I got better .

Cheers for your advice on the 5700 I will bear it in mind, might look for something different
"They suffered with a lot of noise and where very grainy" Being a newbie at this photography lark could you give me a brief explanation on what you mean by "noise" ?? ??
"They suffered with a lot of noise and where very grainy" Being a newbie at this photography lark could you give me a brief explanation on what you mean by "noise" ?? ??

Basically the graininess in the photo. Not really apparent when taking a photo in ideal conditions (i.e. very bright, sunny day etc.), but once you start taking shots indoors, photos will lose detail.
Panasonic Lumix fz28 & Fz38 are both very good, you may be able to get them on fleabay for a reasonable price. I have the 28 which I use when my DSLR is just too big
"They suffered with a lot of noise and where very grainy" Being a newbie at this photography lark could you give me a brief explanation on what you mean by "noise" ?? ??

If you think of the light reaching the sensor as a signal, with all signals there is some noise. Noise appears in photos when the sensor can't distinguish between the noise and the actual signal that we want to capture. This happens in lo light situations generally because the signal is much weaker.

Therefore you will find as you further your photographic knowledge that the bigger the sensor the better it performs generally as is collects more light, more information and is better able to eliminate noise.

That is at least how I understand.

With regard to which camera to get I would urge anybody looking for a bigger (not point and shoot) camera to get a DSLR. I know the buttons and various settings are scary and overwhelming at first but they're quite easy to get to grips with after a bit of tuition. All the amateur models have an auto mode which makes them behave much like a brigde but giving better images and eliminating most the limitations.

As with all things however this is down to budget and you may get a better camera with a new(ish) bridge than a reletively old DLSR.

Sorry this is a bit of an essay but I hope it was helpful, maybe :)

Thanks to Alex and Michael for explaining noise to me , makes sense now . And Scott the panasonicslook the business , after PM with Malcolm I think I might be best of waiting till my probation period is over on TP then I will be able to access the classifieds, would rather buy a camera from here as I believe any cameras will have been well looked after unlike fleabay where you dont know who your dealing with .

thanks again to all for the advice
Sorry John, but you won't get anything much for £100 at all. And if you you want to learn about photography and have a decent amount of creative control, you need something with a bigger sensor and fast response, ie a DSLR. They are as easy to use as any other camera - you can switch them to full auto if you like.

IMHO bridge cameras are a bridge to nowhere - they're just compacts with a bigger lens.

Edit: if you want less noise, you need a bigger sensor which collects many times more light than a compact, so the signal to noise ratio is inherantly much higher to start with.
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I started off with a bridge camera, and within a couple months regretted it and bought a DSLR. Dont waste your money, save up a bit more. Thats my advice anyway!
Waiting too get into the for sale section is well worth it, lots of used gear at reasonable prices. Plus as you have said everyone on here tends too look after everything.

Your next choice would be what brand to go with, canon, nikon etc

Keep reading on the forums as there is just tons of useful info
I just want it now that's all , typical bloke thing. Want a new gadget and want it now ha ha. Must admit though the thought of a dslr does scare me,very technical and way above my head. Deffo would like to start with a bridge camera then get dslr once I advance in photography course at college.
you could squeaze in a Canon 300D/350D body or Nikon D50/D100. Sure they're old cameras, but they'll kick the ass of any of the latest compact/bridge camera.
Laurenceots I would never have thought of buying an "older" dslr that could really be an option. I thought it was difficult finding a bridge camera but now the majority suggest a dslr it seems to have opened a whole new tin of worms. Think I best get saving and researching more, but I still want it now lol.
It will be less easy to use maybe - no mod cons like video, live view etc, but it'll do the job definitely. I recently got a Nikon D50 and Canon 350D for £85 each, and then you could add a basic lens for about £30-£40 more.
hiya john, I echo what others have said if you can get an older dslr especially if youre doing a course as they do tend to lean towards dslr users which one are you doing as Im from the same area (stockton), Im just coming to the end of some adult ed courses and looking to sign up to some more for september
hiya john, I echo what others have said if you can get an older dslr especially if youre doing a course as they do tend to lean towards dslr users which one are you doing as Im from the same area (stockton), Im just coming to the end of some adult ed courses and looking to sign up to some more for september

Was thinking of doing one of these photography courses and enhance your digital photo course
I enquired last week and should be able to enrol mid july :) I am stillleaning towards a bridge camera though to begin with and get SDLR later, keep the bridge as a back up camera
cool thats what Ive been doing since January, done the photography basic and just finishing off intermediate and also done the photoshop basic and intermediate the advanced is new for september, Im looking to do the ncfe level 2 and photoshop advanced in september along with a few from stocktons adult ed
done the photography basic and just finishing off intermediate and also done the photoshop basic and intermediate

How did you find the courses mate ?? I am mainly wanting to do it as a hobby but would like to progress as far as I can , good luck with the advanced ;)
they are great no real agenda as complicated or simple as you want it to be its your course as the tutor tells you and you dictate the content and pace