Advice on a golf tournament!

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Hi there,

I couldn't see a thread on this so thought I'd ask the question.

My brother in law has asked me to photograph his charity golf tournament - and I've said yes. His usual tog is away with work so I'm happy to help out.

What would be the best strategy do you think? I'd like to get some action shots and need to get some group/team shots so, I was thinking of;

Getting there for registration so I can get the teams together.

Take some as they tee off from the 1st.

Had out to mid-course and make my way back to the clubhouse to shoot the 18th green for handshakes/smiles/hats in the air etc (ok, maybe not the hats in the air but you know what I mean).

This should give me all of the teams (about 15 in all) in action either on the tee, fairway or green.

There are two sponsored holes so my route back to the clubhouse will take these in so I can get banners in the background etc.

Does that sound like a plan?

And for golf photography etiquette... I guess the following applies (bearing in mind it's a decent golf course with strict dress codes etc);

No standing in the folders line of sight
No noisy motor winds as they swing
No wandering around on greens
Generally not annoying anyone (I used to play golf so have a good idea of what annoys a golfer).

Any advice/suggestions very gratefully received.

Hi Andy. I had one minor excursion into golf, for a local charity day. Got a few 'set up' shots at the first tee, then bombed around in a golf buggy with one of the organisers, looking for the best vantage points to shoot from. Depends on the day which way the sun is, which side you can shoot from. I lay down on the grass for most of them (so waterproofs if its damp). Where they had a car as a prize for a hole in one on one green, I ended up with a long lens a fair way back from the 'hole', with the car in shot and the player in the distance, ready to jump up for the celebration. However, it turned out the safest place to be would have been by the flag! Let the golf/green officials guide you - most of them know the best angles, view points.

Personally, I found the event a bit boring (rather like cricket ...) but that's just me.
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You seem to ahve it right..

Find a hole with most bunkers around or most likely place to end in a bunker .. shoot low at anyone in the sand and you will get some good shots..

stay focused on the player after they swing.. shoot a few frames and you will get the TEE in the air near there head.

get to 18th and shoot everyone that arrives there and plays

during game find a high posiiton and take some arty wide shots... say a whole landscape with one tiny spec of a golfer walking accross it..

I ahve only done about a dozen golf but those shots where well recieved..

just document everything and be prepared for a lot of walking.. sounds like your used to that.. i wasnt.. esp with a 400 lens and bag :)
Thanks one and all, some very useful tips and advice. I'm off for a wander around the course today with the organiser so will bare your tips in mind and look for decent vantage points/interesting backgrounds/potentially busy bunkers etc. They have a few shots in mind they would like capturing - like the main sponsors teeing off etc.

Is the aim to capture media pr shots or shots to sell to each player ?

For each player:-
Are they all starting from the same tee ? If so team shot before they play and then tee shots. Once they are all off find the first team and go for green shots. Often they will go from number 1 and 9 tees, really need two togs then.

If it's a shotgun start, each team starts from a different tee, then you can stay on same tee and wait for them to come to you.

Ideally you need 2 togs but sales often don't warrant that.

The nearest to pin hole is a good one, usually bunkers around and the players try a little harder to get near the pin and end up in the bunker which is good for you but not for them :LOL:
Hi Duncan,

It's an informal fundraiser and the main aim is to capture a shot of each team in front of at least one of the 4 sponsors banners that will be on display around the course. If I can get some action shots, that's a bonus but not a major requirement. Now having been round the course, they are teeing off from the 1st and 4th at 9 min intervals - the 1st green is close to the 4th tee and I will have the use of a buggy so should be able to get most from either the 1st or 4th tee. The first nearest the pin is the 6th so I'm thinking to catch most of the 16 teams at 1/4 and then moving to the 6th to get the rest of the team shots. The 6th is only just over 100 yds long so it should be easy enough to get some teams at the tee, some shots from behind as they tee and then tee shot facial expressions from the fairway as they try 'harder'. I can afford to stay here until all teams have been through as the next featured hole is the 14th. Then I have the longest drive, second nearest the pin and nearest the pin from the fairway all close together with one vantage point working for all. The nearest the pin from the fairway is on the 18th so I'll end up getting some 18th green shots - and guess I could always do any missing team shots after they've finished.

Two togs would be nice - their usual is unable to make it so perhaps I could be the second next year - providing I get some decent shots of course :)

Oh, and I'm free to sell prints of the players for a cut to the cause - and I have the clubhouse wall to hang my landscapes up for sale (again for a cut).
One last question....

I'm planning to take some action shots as well as the team shots - a percentage of takings is going back to the fund raising so do you think the following pricing is ok;

5x7 @ £5
10x8 @ £10
16x12 @ £20

Printing via DSCL to maximise margins and therefore contribution to fund (and put some cash in my pocket!).

What do you think? Ok?

Well, I guess they liked the shots. On the course from 9am to 2.30pm, 427 shots kept (now to do the strict edit!) - using LightRoom I had them processed and showing on a randomised slideshow on a second monitor before they'd all ordered a pint - picked up some orders and possibly two more tournaments!!

I'll post a link once they're all online.

Thanks again everyone for your help and advice.

brill. only just found this thread.

glad it went well for you - i think of all the sports,golf would be the one i'd be most comfortable with in a togging sense - so i'd love to see some of your results.

this time next year.... you'll be at augusta (y)
@leftcurl, it was quite a fun day - almost made me want to dust my clubs off - definitely helped talking to the teams before the 1st tee and breaking the ice.

@DuncanH, too cheap eh? That's what I was thinking originally but several people thought these were expensive prices! (but I guess some would say that for 50p). Most players wanted to look at them after the day and place orders so I haven't finalised pricing yet - I'm going to put a very simple website together for them to view the images and add a PayPal shopping basket so they can order online. Not sure whether to stick with these prices or increase slightly.... What sort if price would you try for?

Wahay! Just confirmed another golf day - this time for Help For Heroes in June! Do I see a new career on the horizon! Would be nice but.... FORE!!