Afghanistan Loss

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I have just heard this morning that my cousin's wonderful son has died in Afghanistan. I dont know the circumstances yet, although I hear on the news that 4 soldiers were killed in a vehicle accident yesterday. I feel so sad for my lovely cousin and the rest of his family. I was supposed to be going to stay with them in the next couple of weeks because we get on so well and usually have a laugh. Now I will be going there to support her and for his funeral.
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Any death is very sad, I find it particularly hard to understand why our young soldiers are out there, surely a better way could be found.
I am sorry to hear your news.

Lady Sue
my thought are with you and your family at this time. my heart goes out to you all.


sorry to hear that :(

one of my best mates brothers who ive known since i was really young is a royal marine, theres been a few RMs killed out there recently and every time it makes you stop and think..
Thank you everyone. I am so gutted for his mum who is such a lovely person. I have been widowed twice but I cant imagine how awful it would be to lose one of my sons.She, like many of the families, was dreading that this would happen.She and her parents who live nearby know that I will be there for them when they need me but for now I feel useless and so sad.
It's always sad to hear of the loss of a young life, my thoughts are with you and your family
You and your family have my deepest sympathies.

Like all wars the saddest part is they're so young, my daughters best friend has just lost her brother in Afghanistan, he was 20, no age to die :(
My thoughts are with you all:(
I am not good at words but I found this on the net and I thought it apt

Goodbye Young Soldier

We said goodbye tonight
To a soldier whom I did not know
He did his duty well
But sadly he had to go

He did not travel this far
To leave behind family & friend
He came to do his duty.
He did not know it would be his end

His short life was just that
A soldier’s ultimate commitment he gave
This earth deserved him longer
He went too early to his grave

He is one of many heroes
Another poor young soldier
For he is not alone
No years left in which to grow older

What comfort lies for those he left
Never again to be by their side
A gallery of happy memories
And deservedly this Nation’s pride

So farewell young soldier
Whilst here you did just right
I hope your life was not a waste
Farewell young soldier, sleep tight.

Sgt John Norbury, Afghanistan, January 2010
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I lost someone who I was really close to in Feburary, he wasn't in the army but it always hurts most when its close friends / condolences though.
Thank you Marcel. It has devastated the family.Then I think that 307 families of British soldiers have been devasted since we became involved in Afghanistan.So much pain.We mustnt forget those who have given their lives and those mothers, wives and children who grieve.
Thank you Marcel. It has devastated the family.Then I think that 307 families of British soldiers have been devasted since we became involved in Afghanistan.So much pain.We mustnt forget those who have given their lives and those mothers, wives and children who grieve.

Or, indeed, forget the huge number who have been left without some limbs and/or scarred and damaged in other ways.
My heart goes out to families struck down by all of this. I hope they find the courage and get the support needed to deal with it.
So so sorry to hear of your loss.

Thank you Rob.

Or, indeed, forget the huge number who have been left without some limbs and/or scarred and damaged in other ways.
My heart goes out to families struck down by all of this. I hope they find the courage and get the support needed to deal with it.

Thank you Dougie for adding the wounded to the list. I didnt mean to miss them out. They have given part of themselves. My grandad was one of them.
Thank you Rob.

Thank you Dougie for adding the wounded to the list. I didnt mean to miss them out. They have given part of themselves. My grandad was one of them.

OK, Sue - I knew you would not miss them out. I am sure they are in your thoughts like they are for most of us.
Thanks Dougie. I was involved in the campaign to get them better compensation. Its better now but nothing will really compensate for some of the dreadful injuries.

You are right and part of the difficulty is keeping them in the public eye so they'll continually have an impact.
such a sad thing to hear, i feel for you and your family and your cousins friends, RIP
Sad to hear of another loss, our neighbours son Jonathan ‘Dutchy’ Holland died in Helmand Province in Afghanistan in February 2007, and about 15 mins ago the army Chinook Helicopter just flew over our house with presumably the body of Marine Paul Warren from Leyland, and has just flown back over our house now. another sad loss.
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such a sad thing to hear, i feel for you and your family and your cousins friends, RIP

Thank you.

Sad to hear of another loss, our neighbours son Jonathan ‘Dutchy’ Holland died in Helmand Province in Afghanistan in February 2007, and about 15 mins ago the army Chinook Helicopter just flew over our house with presumably the body of Marine Paul Warren from Leyland, and has just flown back over our house now. another sad loss.

Thank you. So many young lives have been lost. I really hope that Britain will be safer from terrorism than it would have been. That is what our boys died for.

I am very sorry for your loss :( Thats really upsetting and I understand how hard this can be for you.

You and the person's family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you.

I will be visiting his mother soon and I will take the sympathy posts from this forum to show her that so many care.