After the excitement of WPPD 2013...

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I bring you ICCD 2013

From their Flickr page it says..

About International Commie Camera Day 2013

On May 1st 2013 you go out and shoot a roll or as many as you want with any camera built in the FSU. I will even allow Chinese Seagulls but nothing from Lomography except real Soviet cameras. Let us not forget those Great DDR cameras and any camera from the Warsaw Pack. Also you can use Seagull TLR cameras and Great Wall cameras.

Use those old Folders Feds etc.

This is a safe group so post accordingly

I hope we have a fun day this year so start thinking.

So on Wednesday dig out those FEDs, Zorkis, Zenits and Smenas and lets see a new red dawn.

Power to the people!
Could dig a Zenit out for wednesday I a 3M that hasn't seen daylight for a while
Time to dust off the Fed :)
They don't have to be shot posted on the same day, I haven't looked properly but I think you can get away with somewhere close. Who's to know?

Just join in comrade. Forward to victory!
Could dig a Zenit out for wednesday I a 3M that hasn't seen daylight for a while

Time to dust off the Fed :)

Got loads of USSR's finest stuff but too bad I've got a 15 hour photography exam in college! Bad timing, unless I can post photos later on.

Excellent - Zenit time..

Time to dust off the Zorki and get a few shots

Well done comrades, forward to victory :D
I just happen to have some film in the zenit... And i may lob some in my lubitel
Well I'm ready for the big day tomorrow...

Dusted off the fed 2...

Fed 2 by wickerman6, on Flickr

Dusted off the Pentacon Six...

Pentacon 6 by wickerman6, on Flickr

and dusted off the hat...:)

Hat by wickerman6, on Flickr

All hail the Revolution.
Love the hat David.....nothing like dressing for the occasion!
Gutted that my Pentakon Six arrived with Miles Whitehead this morning for the film counter repair so I won't be shooting with it tomorrow :0(

I'm only left with a Kowa Six and an OM10 so unless one of them once holiday'd in Moscow I'm out of options!

Oh well, good luck to everyone else

Dug out my choice for tomorrow:


Zenit 3M with F/3.5 50mm Industar lens.

Imo, one of the more appealing Zenits to look at.

Sadly mine has funal growth in the lens and an unpredictable shuutter curtain, particularly at 1/125 and slower so could be a complete waste of effort shooting with it tbh.:|

What the hell, it's all about being "up there with the comrades"!!:D

Probably stick some colour film in it and get use out of my c-41 chems whilst they're still "living".
Took a few this morning. If I can figure getting the film out before too long I'll have another bash
Ran this today - not the most beautiful Commie camera in my collection, but was given to me for my 18th birthday, June 1980. Haven't used it fer 30 years, so gave it a go. Negs drying now..

Excuse the Instagram!

Edit - here are some of the scans:

The funny coloured ones are due to the scanner. I quite like the effect, so often leave it.
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Well here's a few Russian theme shots from the roll of OOD Kodacolor film shot through the 3M on May 1st 2013:



Pentacon Six, Acros 100.

After taking the roll of film I then discovered that the aperture blades were stuck open!!

RNPS Memorial by wickerman6, on Flickr
Some from my Zorki 4K, Jupiter 8 50mm f2, Fuji Acros 100.

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Those are very nice indeed!