After The Rain

John Walker
Edit My Images
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Hmmmmm, I manage to use photobucket without any problems even with compression.

You could always post on your gallery here and link to them if that helps.

As for the picture, sorry it lacks any special interest for me and is just a wet road.
I don't travel far these days, but I went to Liverpool recently. It rained.

Here's a shot I managed during a short sunny break!


I just give up!
LINKS don't work.
Images are ruined by compression to suit forum size limits.
It's hopeless.
No more image posts from me. They are on my 'blog'!

Just change URL to IMG, like this
Hmmmmm, I manage to use photobucket without any problems even with compression.

You could always post on your gallery here and link to them if that helps.

As for the picture, sorry it lacks any special interest for me and is just a wet road.

Yep it's a wet road. That was the point; to try a little contre-jour. How about some advice then? Like I said, I give up. Not a very welcoming start. :thumbsdown: