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Would like your opinions and thoughts on this one please folks. I like the balance of the composition with the guy vs the board. The strong lines work well for me too, and I like the cleaner shapes of the board against the chaos of the graffiti. Taken late evening to give a different light to that which would be normally be expected on such street shots. But generally, such skate parks are full at that time of night with guys and gals either skating, or 'not skating'...
Thanks for looking.
I agree I quite like the strong vertical lines, but,

The model and the board are just a bit too far apart for me a more condensed composition might be better?

The exposed ply board on the right hand side is slightly distracting for me as well maybe crop that out?

Not too keen on the pose of the model, and they also look a tad washed out maybe boost the colour of his hoodie a bit?

I like the idea though, assuming the person in shot is a skater works as a nice stylised portrait :)
Thanks for the reply and comments. Not sure about moving them in closer as it becomes a little congested for my personal liking. The shot would certainly work with more colour etc, but I actually desaturated it as it's more a gritty street shot as opposed to a conventional portrait, which is why I left the ugly board in on the side. But I can see where you are coming from exactly, but in this one case, it's purely personal, but it's not the mood I was going for. Good advice though and thank you.
The model and the board are just a bit too far apart for me a more condensed composition might be better?

I agree, the skateboard is lost for me, I wonder what it would look like if it were up on the same plane as the guy?
It's interesting but it's not your usual 'on the button' image.
just a thought , what about having him head down and facing , arms out holding the bars as if he's parted from his board

like this shot though :) , that was just an idea that sprang into my head
Thanks for the comments as always folks.
glad you like the shot, lee.
Gramps, I know what you mean about the different planes. It's split
Opinions this one, as some haven't liked it for the reasons you outline,
whereas some have said it's one of my best. Weird. But then I guess it is
Quite an unconventional composition so it's to be expected.
Jase, I like the idea but sadly it was a candid so couldn't alters the pose.

Thanks to you all for the comments and advice. Most appreciated.