Allison Photoshoot + behind the scene

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A few photos and a "behind the scenes" video of my latest photoshoot with Allison. The shoot was done in my living room, with some improvised low cost lighting solutions.

Allison 92 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr

Allison 95 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr

Allison 90 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr

Allison 89 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr

Allison 85 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr

Allison 86 Robert Choquette by Robert Choquette, on Flickr
Cracking shots and really interesting video too :) Really do like the style...would love to see how the small birdcage shots came out at the end of the video....I image pretty damn sweet like the ones above :)
Great shots and really enjoyed watching the behind the scenes video (y)
There's something missing chemistry wise in the first one, but the others are great. I think the last two suit the model better.
Love the last one.....right up my street. Not sure SWMBO would let me decorate the lounge like that
Great photos : my favourites are the second and third ones.
How many people were involved in the shoot?
Great photos : my favourites are the second and third ones.
How many people were involved in the shoot?

Looks to be at least 2 assistants, MUA, model and photographer! The results look good though! I like the use of a flash bender as a flag for the gel lit background. Keep forgetting about that use for it!
This was shot in my living room. I started photography about a year and a half ago.
I Definitely have the best wife ever allowing me to use the living room as a home studio.

People involved were:
The model
2 assistants (my wife and the models mom)
Hair stylist

This was my first ever shoot with a MUA + hair. Now I'm hooked :D
This was shot in my living room. I started photography about a year and a half ago.
I Definitely have the best wife ever allowing me to use the living room as a home studio.

People involved were:
The model
2 assistants (my wife and the models mom)
Hair stylist

This was my first ever shoot with a MUA + hair. Now I'm hooked :D

A friends daughter studied beauty/MUA at college and is due for a shoot (when I can make time). She offered to being her MUA friend "if that's ok with me" to do her make can guess my response!!

Looking forward to seeing more of your work - had a peek on Flickr!

I'm amazed that you only started photography about a year and a half ago. I have always thought it would take years to get that good.
Cracking photos. Fab video too just amazing what can be achieved if you know what your doin_____I do love the behind the scenes shots just because we see all this chaos yet in the finished image we just see what you see :)

Great photos and loved the video and seeing how it all went on. Just great to see more than just images but an short explanation, visually on how it was done.

Is that monitor, on its side to give portrait view? :)
Cracking images, and loved the video too! Cheers bud!
I'm going to bookmark this. Well done :)

My only gripe is the nails in the black make-up shots.
Nearly missed this, glad I didn't. Very impressed all round especially given you haven't been doing it for that long, quite inspirational. Really like the black and white, lovely processing plus the red one below it.
Gosh, those are good. Would love to be able to create shots like that. The lighting is beautiful. Very nice.
Also, is that LR shooting tethered?
Great makeup. Nice lighting.
Cracking, love the lighting.
Frau Whippet would not be in her happy place if I did that in the lounge! What's the secret?
Hi Robert, really enjoyed watching your video, it's not often you get to see the "how it's done"

I'm amazed that you only started photography about a year and a half ago. I have always thought it would take years to get that good.

Re taking a long time to get the skill required to do this - some years ago a new member came on here having just bought a very expensive camera asking some very basic questions about photography - he was to all intents the classic "more money than sense" newbie photographer. BUT over the next couple of years he went from not knowing his aperture from his shutter speed to running a high street/studio photography business with several branches. I'm not sure where he is at now but it was fascinating to watch the drive and effort he had to succeed. If he had a problem he came on here for advice and kept at it until his problem was solved and he'd learnt how to do this same thing again. Failure was not an option for this guy. Inspiring.

I'm fairly sure this is his business

I'm amazed that you only started photography about a year and a half ago. I have always thought it would take years to get that good.

Its mostly down to him having a decent camera.


Really enjoyed the video some useful setup tips too
I think it's true to say that I'm a far better guitarist than photographer. My experience in music leads me to believe "It's not what you've got but how you use it". Over the years I've come across quite a few people who have "all the gear but no idea". I'm sure good equipment does help but I think passion and practice are hugely important when it comes to getting better. My current job takes up a huge amount of my time and energy and what's left over isn't much : you can probably tell that from my posts on here.

I think my best chance of rapid improvement will come when I retire which, in theory, could be next August. Having said that, I don't half love my job.