Am I over reacting?

Pretty standard CS in the modern world.

Not many companies actually apologise or compensate any more, simple refund.

That's the price we collectively pay if you want the benefits of online companies.

I must be shopping at the wrong places then, I always tend to get a customer support minion (actual person) when I run into a problem.
So missed call today, called them back. They've got a replacement lens, lens hood, cable, the correct filter and a manual for the camera. It was only when I said is that it? I got an apology, but don't think they cared one way or another. So tomorrow is 3rd time I have to wait in for a delivery (agreed the 1st one I expected I'd have to!). Sadly after this experience I don't think I'll use them again. Really disappointed. Just hoping that the right stuff turns up tomorrow and there's no issues.
Personally I'd be pretty naffed off. It's not a mistake as they're not over worked by any stretch of the imagination, it's either poor attention to detail or hoping that the customer will accept the crap.
I'm sure things are very different when they take goods into ownership.
I'd rather purchase secondhand goods privately if possible.
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Well I received my items, no sense of an apology or acknowledgement of the inconvenience, honestly don't think they care. Sent a formal complaint via email. Quite simple though I won't use them again which is a shame as I've bought and sold various items over the years through them.
You could try contacting on here also but I'm not sure if they're active or not anymore.

Glad you got it sorted in the end mate but it's a bit of a PITA really and the lack of acknowledgement, even if it was just a simple letter to say sorry for the mix up or similar is a bit poor. They're quite handy at sending emails everyday when they're advertising gear... :rolleyes:
I bought a D300 from them last year and they had a few listed on their site. I specifically ordered the one that had a charger as some didn't, when it came it had no charger so I rang them and they sent me one out the following day. I found them ok to deal with but it shouldn't have happened in the first place. It didn't really cause me any inconvenience though.
I bought a Fuji 35mm lens, I ordered the 1.4 and they sent an F2, they replaced it no problem, but again, it shouldn't really have happened.
I had no issues with the the camera body i bought a couple of months ago. It was as described, well packaged and delivered on time. I didn't check that the shutter count was as stated though, to late now.
I've always had good experiences with MPB but I have surprised at some of their descriptions when looking online.

Kit described as 'excellent' having bad scrapes and marks.
Hi everyone. @Ferj You aren't overreacting at all! We fully expect all customers to hold us to the same high standards we hold ourselves to. Sorry to hear about this, we obviously dropped the ball with the condition description on this one and I completely understand your frustration. I have just sent you a message to follow up with you on this so please check your inbox on here.

I've just posted on another thread where some Talk Photography users mentioned that they had some issues too recently - on this occasion with @Ferj this mix up definitely shouldn't have happened so I hope we can get this resolved.

I am really sorry to the other members who have been having issues - we are currently undergoing a moving of premises and are working over time to get back to our normal checking time period of within 7 days. It is really disappointing to hear some of the understandable frustrations recently - please know that this is not a permanent situation and if you are having any issues please do not hesitate to drop us a message on here and we can look into it for you.

Thank you for your patience everyone, and for your continued support that we have received from you. Clare