Amazing shots of an Eagle hunting in the Mail today

Great captures.

Did you note the comments / discussions all seemed to focus on whether they're 'real' or 'PShopped'
Great captures.

Did you note the comments / discussions all seemed to focus on whether they're 'real' or 'PShopped'

That's the readership for you;)
Had to laugh at one of the comments... "Starlings are an invasive pest, brought to the U.S. by some stupid Briton who wanted a piece of "home" here. Now they are threatening out native species. I hope those eagles ate as many as they could. Good for them!"
So, Starlings are much like early European Americans then? Invasive pests...

I've watched Sparrow Hawks chasing flocks of Starlings but never seen one catch one
Stunning images.

Has anybody told Rob Palmer his images are in the English national press - I wonder if they have paid him ?
Fantasic pictures but the comments are just stupid.

No starlings were harmed in the making of this film.... except maybe one or two or maybe a few dozen until the cameraman got his shot !! Perhaps the rspcb should ask him for his portfilio for that day to see how many times he let loose a bird and the eagle to get these pics.

Photoshop is a wonderful piece of software isn't it?

nice bit of photo shop work, you can fool some of the people ......
Fantastic pictures, but the comments take the prize for me - I know this is the Daily Mail website, but wow. And someone even managed to get a dig in about LIEbour. Haha!
theres a nice pair of tits in the sun and also a fine pair in the star as well:naughty:
Hahahahahaha I love the Daily Hiel and it's readers:

- James, Birmingham, 16/3/2010 12:43"

Next up - Asylum Seekers Eating The Queen's Swans.
"apparently unaware of the eagle behind it"
WTF? Of course it's aware, it's got a bloody great EAGLE on its tail!
Hahahahahaha I love the Daily Hiel and it's readers:

- James, Birmingham, 16/3/2010 12:43"

Next up - Asylum Seekers Eating The Queen's Swans.

any time I want to lose a wee bit more faith in humanity, I go read a few comments on the DM website - as much as I hate giving them advert revenue, the drivel spouted by the readership is hilarious!

Awesome pictures, just amazing ^^
Why has no-one told me about the DM website comments section before? It is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Do you think those people get help getting dressed in the morning?
Why has no-one told me about the DM website comments section before? It is one of the funniest things I've read in a long time. Do you think those people get help getting dressed in the morning?

It is in equal measures hilarious and depressing. There is an unfailing ability to make a link to 'NuLiebour', or 'political correctness/'elf and safety gone mad' - no matter how tenuous the connection. :wacky:

Great pics - does anyone have an idea of the post processing done on these? I have to say they do look a little bit unreal to me somehow - slightly like illustrations?