Amy Wadge - The Cinnamon club, Altrinchham


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Hey guys,

Shot this gig near the end of last month but have not had time to post it. Very very tough conditions, couldnt get near to the stage without getting in the way of the paying customers (tables around the stage), very VERY orange lighting and even then not much of it.

All the shots are iso3200 AND flash, and to add insult to injury, the stage was under a low roof, whilst i was under a high pointed roof so bouncing was impossible. Oh well, did what i could, especially considering I had to go the 100-400L to even get close! Never thought i'd ever use that lens inside when im struggling for light!









Thanks for looking :)

Having read what you said about conditions and settings I didn't expect to see anything anywhere near as good as these!

Well done :)
Great results, especially considering the conditions. And using the 100-400 too!
B****y marvellous! ISO 3200 and I can't see any noise at all, on my (work) screen. I'm turning green with envy:LOL:
Wonderful stuff.(y)

Well there is noise, most noticeably in the blue on the left of the first shot, but it's far from objectionable, and in fact less than the size of grain you might expect from fast film, so it is indeed bloody marvellous! :D
From what you said I was expecting a load of noise but they are good. I am shooting a mates gig in a couple of weeks time so thanks for posting these up as you have given me some food for thought.
deja vu, seen these on Ocuk :) Very nice indeed. some havnt worked due to the microphone being in the way of the face though.
take a bow Tom, excellent work especially given the conditions!
Some very good shots.
I'm guessing they wern't handheld :)