An hints to making a mdf studio?

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Hi, i am wanting to make a mdf studio back ground.

8ft floor to ceiling and 8ft across. again the same measurements on the floor.

Any tips making something like this? recommended thickness? any suppliers? probably need to buy 4x 4ftx8ft sheets.

I know it works as i used it at college for most of my portfolio just have not made it before.

I'm guessing you want it as a permanent feature?

Are you aiming for just a backdrop or some kind of infinity curve to the floor?
permanent on the wall not on the floor. And no infinity curve, just straight set up.
Why? It wont be any cheaper than a backdrop and you won't be able to change it!
by the time you have bought your sheets of mdf

painted them
2 or 3 times.:puke:

fixed them togeather or whatever your doing this will be a tidy little sum of money spent to get the same effect a 15 pound sheet "muslin" will get you you can also do a infnity curve with the sheet

md:shrug: for what its worth (y)
Apologies to the OP if this is slighltly off topic but.. infinity curve.:shrug: I'm in need of enlightment please(y)

Back on topic I would have thought muslin would have been better as well because you can change it more easily.
Apologies to the OP if this is slighltly off topic but.. infinity curve.:shrug: I'm in need of enlightment please(y)

Back on topic I would have thought muslin would have been better as well because you can change it more easily.

think about the words mark...:thinking:

infinity :thinking: curve :thinking:

the curve will be at the bottom of the wall so the floor and b/g are as one...

as in the floor goes into infinity

hth infinity curve

I understand what you are saying, but i am not interested in backdrops, muslin backdrops, paper drops, vinyl drops. Cost is not an issue either.

tips about smoothing over the line in between the join type of thing.

Or if any one else has done a similar type of thing.
I thought as much, just needed to ask a stupid question to make sure... thanks for confirming (y)

Sorry r-play. I'm not sure I can help with your question, but I suspect you'll need to frame it and then depending on the colour of the mdf use a sealant to match and hide the join.
I understand what you are saying, but i am not interested in backdrops, muslin backdrops, paper drops, vinyl drops. Cost is not an issue either.

tips about smoothing over the line in between the join type of thing.

Or if any one else has done a similar type of thing.

if cost is not a issue..:shrug: why mdf if it will be a permanent fixture the why not plaster it to you finished requirement:shrug:

£40 for muslin background or £40 for mdf material is not really a cost. but i have no experience in plastering and the cost to get a pro would be to high.

I have wall supports and a vinyl background already but i never use it as i do not like the results. The results i am after require a mdf background.

So any help in making on would be grateful appreciated
£40 for muslin background or £40 for mdf material is not really a cost. but i have no experience in plastering and the cost to get a pro would be to high.

I have wall supports and a vinyl background already but i never use it as i do not like the results. The results i am after require a mdf background.

So any help in making on would be grateful appreciated

would it be possible to show a picture of what result you are after..

as for the curve
i would have thought you would need to make a curved frame and then nail some ply or very thin mdf to it so you can get a good curve..
the fill and smooth over and possible use a flexible paint to give it extra strenth in the join..

Could we look at a picture of the results that have been done on a MDF background rather than a vinyl or paper or muslin.
I cannot think of how it would be that more beneficial. However....I could be wrong.
All I'm wondering - is it the lighting that is causing the undesired effect or the background? :thinking:

as requested
ahhh right in that case just over lap the to sheets and nail and glue /or screw them together and job done....

You could fill the gap with something like polyfiller if your going to paint over the finished item, but like the others I'm courious why it need to be MDF?
I hope you remember to wear a dust mask when cutting the MDF it's not good to breath the stuff in. Wayne
You could just use a BIG sheet of plasterboard. One side comes ready to paint and then you could move it when you are done?
Assuming you have 8' width of space, Lay one sheet on the floor then Glue and Screw a 4x2" along the 8 foot end Then turn the sheet over so there is an upstand at the wall. slide this sheet up to the wall. This is your floor. Fit some 4x2" up the wall, (siting on the upstand) either screw direct with a counter bore or use some metal plates across the back and screw either side. Make sure the 4x2" up the wall is in the same plane as the 4x2" on the floor. Packing may be needed. Lay your next sheet of MDF up the wall and screw to the upstand and the wall 4x2" making sure there is a neat joint with the floor. Glue top the edge of the Mdf sheet (12mm best) and add the next sheet (now 8' high) and again if you need taller. Wait for the glue to go off and sand the joint (s) flush (wear a mask to stop getting cancer). Fill the screw holes and sand flush too. Add about 7 coats of flexible ceiling paint. Then a good quality matt floor laquer to stop it marking too bad. Simple really. PM me if you want CAD drawings.
Good Luck.
I remember a lil tip from school. if your using MDF take the MDF dust from the saw/sandpaper. Mix with PVA glue to form a paste then literally push into the gaps use a credit card or something and sand flat. then paint over.

Thanks for the great advice.

I did a test with some mdf for the floor it worked quite well. Now know what size to buy, 4 sheets from home base ready cut £100 all in for 4 sheets.

Waiting for some help to bring the sheet home first. but will post the results once made. probably 2-3 week away.
Four sheets for £100!!! that seems extortionate!! Have you tried a local timber yard, or even Plywood - Ply is only £10 isk for an 8x4 sheet and B+Q will do cuts for free, should you need them.
2 pieces arrived. waiting for delivery on a jigsaw and drill to arrive. I will do it