An inappropriate post but i need to do it

At the moment I'm about 60% she will not be able to make the commitment, 30% she will and 10% I'll kick her out because I'm fed of of waiting for it.

I couldn't just blow her out with out saying some of the reason for the affair may have been my fault so I'll try. If she tries then great if not I'll move on.
Marriages can recover to a point, but I don't know if you will ever really trust her again
My own experience is that it's not possible no matter how much you want to work things out, there will always be that doubt

Some can live with it some can't, whatever, I hope the pain does not live to long
At the moment I'm about 60% she will not be able to make the commitment, 30% she will and 10% I'll kick her out because I'm fed of of waiting for it.

I couldn't just blow her out with out saying ssome of the reason for the affair may have been my fault so I'll try. If she tries then great if not I'll move on.

Er, not really, nothing you could have done or didnt do should make you feel you are in any way responsible for her jumping into bed with someone else, its the excuse she will probably use but then again she is a liar and a cheat so she will say anything to make you feel that you are in some way responsible, it's what cheating scheming women and men do to worm their way back in.

Hope it works out Dave i seriously do but please dont for one minute blame yourself for her cheating.
Hi Dave, you have received some very sympathetic replies to your original post, the situation has now changed and you have accepted her back, that was your decision and you did not seek advice on that. My advice now would be to leave this thread and not be influenced by any further comments on that decision.

You can always come back on at another time and tell us how things are since making that decision but advice and comments from others on your current situation however well intended is not what you need at the moment.
I agree with Mal

Only you can work out what to do now, while well intended, none of us are *johnnies on the spot*
I guess it's both good and bad you've been blinded by your love for her.

I can't help but agree with Gary about her doing it again. Sounds like she came back because the other bloke either got bored or her, or couldn't provide for her.

Just be prepared for more heartbreak down the line. It would be nice if we were wrong.
Thanks for all the advice and supportive messages. I think for now, I'll go with the advice of Galaxy and leave the thread.

Maybe an update in a few weeks/months.
