And another moon shot (Waxing Gibbous).....

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This shot is the result of mounting my D7100 onto 6" Reflector, taking 7 x images of various points of the Moon & merging together using Photoshop after a little PP in Lightroom.

As usual, all C&C appreciated

Waxing Gibbous Moon

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Amazing... I like the contrasty look personally great detail in craters
Excellent shot.

The detail is spectacular.

Impressive way to get the shot too. (y)
slightly overcooked for me too,but only just.....great shot though
Thanks for the comments everyone...!!

Actually, looking at it again i've got about 3 areas with blown highlights that i'm not quite happy with. So there's a job for tonight....
Thanks for the comments everyone...!!

Actually, looking at it again i've got about 3 areas with blown highlights that i'm not quite happy with. So there's a job for tonight....

Edit: Highlights recovered as best I can....
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One of the best moon shots I have personally ever seen mate, very impressed.