...and it's goodnight from me...

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So daughter #2 thought she'd start messing around with her mothers glasses last night.

This just feels a bit Ronnie Barker to me:LOL:

Yeah, thanks all, was sitting taking pics of her big sister the other night and turned around and caught her right at the moment :) (makes a change!)

She is 1 in a couple of weeks, but has better eyesight than my photo implies :)

Colour was okbut i thought b&w was much better...go vintage :)
Brilliant shots. I love the sense of humor.
Thanks very much Andy. Glad you liked them :D

Since it's a photography site: :cool:

The first was taken with sb600 on ttl bounced at ceiling, 35mm 1.8 and f4 maybe even f5 (I never normally go wider ~f2.5 with the lens but was lucky here as it worked fine).

I was messing around on the floor infront with the flash looking to setup some lowkey stuff for later, and turned to catch her :) Been lucky with her tongue and hand position (just to give it that ronnie barker feel:LOL:) and camera settings tbh, but they all count :)

The second, I had more time, but she wouldnt comply ;) and couldnt get the lighting quite how I wanted it (some days you just arent going to get it:cool:). I was only wanting one showing her first 'ponytail' :) Still, i'll keep it.