Monthly andybod's 12/12 (the final 6 added)

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well no time like the present, pm sent to me tp buddy for the challenge (with a special request for no football themes) i decided to do this as i didn't think i could dedicate my self to a 52 week but thats already started here ,so going to really throw myself into it this year and see what 12/12 challenge can do for me, now just to wait for a theme to get stuck into :),and everyone else taking part good luck :wacky:


1 jan , bird in flight ( feathered variety )
2 feb , Marvelous trees (think this is not going to be easy in febraury )
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All the best and enjoy.

thank you i am going to enjoy this,the monthly challenge will allow for more thought and planning to go into the final shot's i have started this months theme had a couple of hours around calke abbey this morning lovely weather and a array of bird's feeding of the tables and feeders set up for them i have a few shots i'm quite happy with just going through them and deciding what will stay ,first thoughts for bird in flight is fast little bu**ers trying to catch them isn't easy anyway i thought i would share a shot that isn't going to be in my final choice as it's more of a bird in drop not flight ,this hopefully shows how difficult it is to shoot a small fast object this was taken at 200mm f4.5 and 1/500s and still not in focus ,but still thought i would share it as it made me smile,

Nice colours there, just need to be a little faster! :p

I'm two minutes from burton!!

thanks ,i have 3-4 bird in flight shot's im really pleased with just wanting a few different birds to make a bit of a port for this months challenge ,time and weather permitting i will be back up calke to try and get a few more a good bird of prey in flight is this year's goal however i don't think i'll get one in time for this month ,

and i'm in Swad. so only a few minutes from burton
Same here - Linton to be precise!![/QUOTE

used to live in linton when i was just a young lad we left about 32 years ago:whistle: ,i can just about remember playing in the school playing fields,foxley ponds ,and being dragged over to chicky bennetts farm on family walks ,oooohhhh the memories :help::exit:
Very colourful Andy.
A good start (y)
Lovely colours, think it might be a bit of a distraction with the twigs in front but good effort and keep it up
looking at the weather i don't think i'll be out today,so i thought i would have half hour and upload the final edit so far ,birds in flight i have found the theme to ge a great challenge and the subject not an easy one to capture you don't appreciate how fast some of these little birds are until you try to photograph them i have attempted to get a decent shot of a buzzard a few times over the last few weeks but always missed (this is a goal for this year 1 decent buzzard shot ) so here goes my take on bird's in flight enjoy and C&C welcome.

1,a bullied duck fleeing from it's aggressor


2 and in flight


3 in coming


4 the little blighter's (i think this is my favourite so far)


5 blue tits


6 a poor attempt at a buzzard in silouhette


so there you have it bird's in flight ,big thanks to Pete (big soft moose) for choosing the theme i have enjoyed this month certainly taken me out my comfort zone and a challenge bring on februaury :D
They are not easy Andy thats for sure.
You did well (y)
Its a shame about the pylon / wires in that sunset shot.
They are not easy Andy thats for sure.
You did well (y)
Its a shame about the pylon / wires in that sunset shot.

thanks ,this was about the best shot i managed i did consider cropping out the pylon :shrug:

thanks wallyboy i really like the bird feeder shots colours in the birds are a really nice site i plan on taking another visit see what else i can get thanks andy
Some great efforts there Andy. The bigger the bird, the easier it generally is to get in flight shots, so garden birds, in my experience, really are the most difficult.

I have been doing some feeder stuff, and do need to get it set up again, but basically, 200mm also, but zoomed in so the focus is roughly level with the feeder, but the frame covers the area next immediately to it, switched to manual [to stop the camera trying to refocus] and using a remote trigger. This way you can have the camera on a tripod much closer to the feeder and the birds quickly get used to the noise, and no actual movement to disturb them - plus, depending on your garden set up, if anything like mine, you can sit indoors at the window and keep warm :D

It had yielded some results, but does need more work yet, mainly practice on my part, but might be worth you having a go (y)
Some great efforts there Andy. The bigger the bird, the easier it generally is to get in flight shots, so garden birds, in my experience, really are the most difficult.

I have been doing some feeder stuff, and do need to get it set up again, but basically, 200mm also, but zoomed in so the focus is roughly level with the feeder, but the frame covers the area next immediately to it, switched to manual [to stop the camera trying to refocus] and using a remote trigger. This way you can have the camera on a tripod much closer to the feeder and the birds quickly get used to the noise, and no actual movement to disturb them - plus, depending on your garden set up, if anything like mine, you can sit indoors at the window and keep warm :D

It had yielded some results, but does need more work yet, mainly practice on my part, but might be worth you having a go (y)

thanks for the advise but one slight problem the only bird i think i have managed to see in the garden is a few pigeons i will carry on with a few bird type shots looking forward to see what feb can bring thanks
thanks for all the comments suprisingly really enjoyed this i was a little apprehensive when i started ,what have i taken from the challenge ,as yv said the bigger the bird the easier it is ,they are some fast little fekkers ,longer lens would have been beneficial i did struggle a bit at 200mm most have had quite a lot of cropping done but overall happy with the results ,two final images i took whilst having another coffee break at attenborough nature reserve



that's all folks ,bring on febraury's challenge please .
I love the little blue tits legs dangling in the air up there in picture 4!

thanks victoria blue tits are great little birds (y)

And onwards and upwards Feb's theme is Marvelous trees :bonk::shrug::D