Angry Chaffinch attacks........

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.....its own reflection!

Saw this male chaffinch attacking its own reflection in the car mirror yesterday and managed to get a quick grab shot. This morning I was surprised to see it back at it again.

Having a bit more time I hopefully got a couple of better shots, far from perfect I know. Lighting was poor so had to up the ISO to get a fast enough shutter speed to freeze it. Had a Google yesterday and apparently its not that uncommon for them to attack their own reflection when being territorial

All comments and crit welcome, advice for improvement would be good.........hopefully it might be back tomorrow when the suns shining again :D

Who's a pretty boy then!
by Phil D 245, on Flickr

Chaffinch reflection 3
by Phil D 245, on Flickr

Angry Chaffinch
by Phil D 245, on Flickr
Looks like he has claimed victory in the last one. A couple of lomg tail tits did same on my shed window last year.

Fingers crossed for some sun.
A crackin' little set (y)
I cant comment on the technicality of the shot its well beyond my ability as a photographer but its a great capture. What a strange sight it must have been but very well spotted and well caught

Thank you all very much for the comments, tbh I wasn't expecting such a positive response :)