Animal Park, Longleat on TV


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Day off so purely by chance watched today's episode
Wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas put a camera in a remote protective shell to get eye view of
of predators with food,
Absolutely amazing pictures of the lions and tigers despite a couple of scary moments when the animals
picked up and ran off with the camera :eek:

If you haven't seen it, worth watching, just skip the boring bits
I caught that too. It takes something to make me stop and actually watch TV, even when it's something I want to see. Those images made me stop and watch. I wasn't so keen on the shots where the animals were holding the meat - should have fed them something in its skin for the camera - but the 'incoming' shots were amazing.
Yes, saw that yesterday and certainly the only way to get those close in photographs without endangering anyone or influencing animal behaviour too much.

But the voiceover at one point made me think they were not watching the same thing as I was. When they relaesed the lions in the enclosure the one lioness was approaching the staked down haunch of meat and she clearly (because she looked at it) noticed the camera pod but the voiceover said something like "look she has has completely ignored the pod......".

When Will moved the pod a lioness took great notice of it ..........grabbed it and carried it off, a more typical predator behaviour ~ if it moves it might be good to eat!

So yes a great bit of how to use technology to get a more naturalistic picture as of course was shown in previous wildlife programs.
It takes something to make me stop and actually watch TV, even when it's something I want to see. Those images made me stop and watch

Same here, just got up and sat drinking first coffe, flicked TV on and saw the programme description
It was very interesting and made even more enjoyable without Ben Fogle and Kate Humble involved :D

When Will moved the pod a lioness took great notice of it ..........grabbed it and carried it off, a more typical predator behaviour ~ if it moves it might be good to eat!

But she was more interested in the food until it moved same with tiger, it still produced some amazing images
It was very interesting and made even more enjoyable without Ben Fogle and Kate Humble involved :D

But she was more interested in the food until it moved same with tiger, it still produced some amazing images

Yes, but my thought was any such film making should concentrate on the animals and have accurate and informative voiceover .......Humble and Fogle much as I in general appreciate their enthusiasm are no Attenborough! I dislike the way in some films about wildlife the amazing quality of the photography/videography is spoiled(?) by the dumbing down of the voiceover.

By comparison, the recent short series about the Galapogas Islands by Monty Halls had some superb footage and granted it was a series not a one off short piece it brought to the forefront the fragility the ecosystem and damage being done there but balanced argument made of how much the Ecuadorian & local island government are doing to control & reduce any impact both on the islands and the surrounding seas. I think the Ecuadorian efforts are an object lesson that other countries might learn from!

Right, turn off "grumpy old man" mode ;)
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Yes, but my thought was any such film making should concentrate on the animals and have accurate and informative voiceover .......Humble and Fogle much as I in general appreciate their enthusiasm are no Attenborough! I dislike the way in some films about wildlife the amazing quality of the photography/videography is spoiled(?) by the dumbing down of the voiceover.

But let's be honest, this isn't a wildlife documentary, more like a advert for Longleat, I got the impression the keeper requested the pictures
As I said above Fogle and Humble weren't anywhere to be heard/seen, gotta be a bonus :D
But let's be honest, this isn't a wildlife documentary, more like a advert for Longleat, I got the impression the keeper requested the pictures
As I said above Fogle and Humble weren't anywhere to be heard/seen, gotta be a bonus :D
True and the dumbing down I mention appears in all sorts of programming.

Was not one of the Reithian objectives of the BBC "to educate", sadly some programs all too often miss that point :(