
Edit My Images
Again, for your critique my friend Anna in colour and mono as I couldn't decide which I like best.


Ditto.. mono for me Maciej, both are lovely but the mono one has the edge.
b&w definitely, the purple is very strong in the colour one and is taking my eyes away from hers but the b&w is spot on. (y)
Black and white is the best version for me, but then I am a sucker for B&W anyway.
B&W, colour is too strong, what does it look like if you tone it down?

b&w definitely, the purple is very strong in the colour one and is taking my eyes away from hers but the b&w is spot on. (y)

My thoughts exactly.
lovely in b&w... but what about selective? :exit:
B&W for me - her eyes have far more impact in this one...
lovely in b&w... but what about selective? :exit:

As in selective colouring aka 'colour popping' or selective adjustments i.e. selective saturation etc?

The first one's a big no no for me. I can try and adjust locally though.

Thank you all for your comments I'll play around with it a bit more see if it can be improved.
A fantastic portrait and both are great, but for me the mono wins it my a margin. I agree with the comments above, the Eyes in the mono version grab you, where as the bright colours distract a little from the eyes

I think the B&W is nicer if i had to pick one but id suggest trying to combine the two images
hmm black and white overall. Colour is great except for the colour of her top, I think it is just too strong and takes from her eye colour and makes her looked tired. I wonder can you change her top colour :LOL:
hmm black and white overall. Colour is great except for the colour of her top, I think it is just too strong and takes from her eye colour and makes her looked tired. I wonder can you change her top colour :LOL:

Ask and you shall receive :LOL:


Please do not take this edit too seriously :LOL:
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Well since you did one yourself and you're okay with edits....

This is more of a butchery, however I think it'd look good black if it was a good job (not like mine!!)


If you'd like me to remove it just say the word.
I think you and I both butchered the shot :) I don't mind your edit, rough as it may be, it ilustrates the point. This was however an impromptu shoot and I did not influence the choice of garment - someting I should have considered, really.

I think we can all declare the mono shot winner in this instance... Additional comments re: composition, editing etc, are still appreciated.
Have you considered using a warming effect and then adjust opacity to suit. and then desaturate it. It will give you are halfway stage which I tried on your image and looked it ok. If you like I can show it here to illustrate my point.
Thank you, I'm not saying this is better by the way, it isn't, it's different to the other 2 that's all. I'm just throwing another variable in to the mix. This one has been done using a brown tint but any colour of your choice could have been used.
The one thing I would say no matter which version you eventually settle for, it would seem that you were swimming in the shallow end and you've caused me a much more lingering look on the eyes than is normal for me. It makes you really look at it, nicely done.

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Thanks Ken,

Looks good, how did you go about this again?

Glad you like the image, I am a sucker for a shallow DOF and cannot resist the silky smoothnes (I'm sure this is the official term ;-) ) of my 85mm lens. It's a winner for portraits, but I noticed that i need to be cautious with the aperture as it's easy to move out of focus.
Thanks Ken,

Looks good, how did you go about this again?

Glad you like the image, I am a sucker for a shallow DOF and cannot resist the silky smoothnes (I'm sure this is the official term ;-) ) of my 85mm lens. It's a winner for portraits, but I noticed that i need to be cautious with the aperture as it's easy to move out of focus.

Hi, I didn't save the original psd for what I did. So I have downloaded your image again and made similar adjustments, not quite identical but better in my opinion to the first one I did.
I kept the psd and uploaded that to my webspace.
Go to the following link and you'll be able to download the psd file with layer adjustments I used to achieve that look.

Click here for PSD File

I hope this helps..
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Hmmm... not bad, not bad at all sir. A simle yet effective processing. Thanks for the input!

The butchery continued:

How do you like this take on black and white?
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