Another Durdle Door thread, sorry !!!

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So as the title says it's another shot from Durdle Door, for those of you sick of this place I apologise :nono:, but bear with me one more time.

I got some new lenses this week and was eager to get out come rain or shine so I headed back to the delightful Dorset, in anticipation of some nice shots.

I drove firstly to Lulworth Cove as I keep seeing pictures from Mupe Bay. I wanted to see how difficult it is to get to as I have heard can be a bit of a nightmare. Now, whilst being a predominantly sunrise shoot, I don't fancy the 40min walk from the car park along the top of the cliffs in the dark for the first time so thought I would go and scope it out in daylight. It's a bit of a hike but then I guess it's worth a go if the light is going to be good (which you never know in the pitch black :bonk:) so I guess one mad morning I'll drag myself out of bed three hours before sunrise to drive down there :shrug:.

Anyway, after the trek over the cliffs east of Lulworth Cove I then drove over to Durdle Door. Having not taken any shots there in a long time, and only one sunrise and sunset shoot before, I thought I still had plenty left in me to make some images.

The light could have been better today, maybe a little to much cloud about making colours a bit washed out.

I liked taking pictures from this section of the beach playing with ND and Grad filters to lengthen the exposure to see which gives the best sense of movement.

I would like to re-visit this composition again when the sky is a bit better, maybe when the sun moves around to the south (left) a bit more.

D700, 21mm Distagon, Lee Filters 0.6 pro glass ND and 0.6 hard GND. ISO 200, f11, 0.6 second exposure.

Durdle Drained.

I took this shot as I was leaving the beach heading back after sunset.

I was trying to get a composition where the steps would "lead you" into the image.

I think I could still find a better place to do this but I do like this comp, I like the curves in the bay and the way the Isle of Portland sits above the top of the Door.

It's nice to come away with two shots to be happy with. there is still so much more I could shoot here, just a or morning night with better light will do.

D700, 21mm Distagon, Lee Filters 0.6 pro glass ND and 0.6 hard GND. ISO 200, f11, 8 second exposure.

Portland Fedora.

All C+C gratefully received.


Si :)
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First picture is very nice I like the movement in the water, well caught. Not so keen on the other though the composition is not working for me.
Nice set of images particularly the 1st image

Cheers Peter,

The first is the strongest for me too. I could not quite get the composition the way I wanted it in the second image. A re-visit in the future methinks.

Love the wave movement in the first shot Simon, a different take on an often photographed location.

Cheers Dave, it's hard to get an original take on an often photographed scene, even this version has been done before but I like the dominant foreground and movement in the water.

First picture is very nice I like the movement in the water, well caught. Not so keen on the other though the composition is not working for me.

Thanks Simmo,

I agree with the second shot, needs work to re-compose, I've seen images made from the top of the steps before and they do make nice shots.

I've been playing again this morning after someone elsewhere suggested trying a mono conversion. I don't do many of these but think this has worked out ok.

Cheers all,

Si. :)
Number one's a great shot, really like that.

I mentioned on another thread. I'd like to go there on a mid summer evening as I think Durdle Door perhaps will be in Sun? Any other time it looks mostly in shade as it's mainly North facing. I'd definitley stay away from the 'Orrid Weymouth traffic/roadworks
Stunning, love the wave in the first shot. The steps make a fantastic leadin on the second too.

One day I want to own that lens too, stunning detail in all those shots.