Another first go at droplets!

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Hi all,

These are my first, very amateur, attempts at droplets. I used a bowl of water dyed red, and milk in a calpol syringe. lens used was my 18-55 kit with a x2 filter attached. I used my 270ex flash on the hot shoe, set at the tele end. Focusing was a nightmare, i focused for the center of the bowl and hoped that would be where the drops would hit.

Thanks for looking :):wave:



Ha, now you mention it I have to agree! It really was just regular green top though!
I like these shots.

So advice for trying to get focus, do a test droplet and place a pencil tip where the drop lands, set camera to manual and then focus on the pencil tip, take the pencil away you should have perfect focus.

Hope this helps
Well done> Love the images. had a go at water droplets myself today. First attempt, nothing worth adding from firs glance.
Nice first tries!
I have to remember to post some of mine someday.

Advice wise, use a pencil or a screw for focussing, try and do it in near darkness and use the flash duration to expose the picture rather than the shutter speed (if that makes sense) also if your firing from the hotshoe, try using milk on milk, if your going to use coloured water, try and bounce the flash of white card or something so it lights I from behind.
Keep practicing though, it's really fun and very addictive!