Another question about an old folder

simon ess

Just call me Roxanne.
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Does the red window through which you can see frame numbers actually do anything?

Does it protect the film or is it a throwback to old films?

Could it be removed if there is a sliding cover to the window?

I'd imagine that it's pretty useful for cutting out a bit more light than having no red window. Backing paper tends to be thinner now also so that's possibly going to provide less protection as well against light leaks.
It's great at making the number hard to read on certain films.


At first I couldn't see any numbers on any film..

I used a load of cotton buds, a bit of metal polish and a couple of hours to clean the window and it's now useable with some films
I asked about different films on APUG 5 years ago as I just couldn't accurately see the numbers through the red window on my wooden pinhole camera. Ilford were pretty hopeless grey on white, Acros had almost black numbers on white, T Max has "dark numbers on white" and Fomapan was said to have bright white numbers on a black background, which was fine through red windows. I sold the camera, so can't comment on how visible things are nowadays.
That matches my experience the other day.

Ilford Delta - hopeless

Shanghai GP3 - hopeless

Tri-X - OK

Fomapan - easiest to see so far.
Have you tried the "little red torch" trick?

But I'm with you, hate the red window. I suspect though that if you made it clear you might well get too much light through.
Have you tried the "little red torch" trick?

But I'm with you, hate the red window. I suspect though that if you made it clear you might well get too much light through.

This works very well . I've got loads of them if you want one.
The red window can produce a nice little round image on the negative on a sunny day if you forget to close the sliding window shutter (or don't have one)! I believe it's more effective on slower black and white film than faster colour film. Shooting a roll 800 Portra on a bright day should find any light leaks you camera has too!
It would be fantastic if it works. I really wanted to use the Shanghai in this.
It definitely works, I’ve been using the little red torch trick to see the film numbers on my Pinhole camera for years and best of all the little button cell red led torches are really cheap off amazon or flea bay.