Another woeful attempt


I love BRASH and BRASH loves me
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at landscape.

I see things and think "that looks great", set the camera up, take the shot, get it home and think "Oh damn", that looks poo..........:shrug:

Pointers greatly appreciated.

Quit yer effin moanin' yah tube. There's nothing wrong with it. Looks fine to me.

My daughter said "That's a good view." (y)(y)(y)
thumbs up from here!!
Nowt wrong with that, for me. My sympathies for you match those of Brash, who is a very empathetic person.
Nowt wrong with that, for me. My sympathies for you match those of Brash, who is a very empathetic person.

I am - very, just don't show it (all the time).;)

Are you getting younger??
Brash, empathetic?

1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

The description of empathetic uses the word intellectual, surely not Brian then?.......:)

On a serious note, the picture does not convey the movement or force of the water enough for me, should I have used less DOF and perhaps a faster shutter speed? Would that have worked better?.........:shrug:

I am - very, just don't show it (all the time).;)

Are you getting younger??

I know you are or I wouldn't have presumed to say so. ;) I am getting younger; I'm like Merlin living my life in reverse - I'll be entering childhood soon. :) I do agree with you about the image: just fine.
Brash and I are like a cheap red wine, we are immaturing with age..............(y)
Brash, empathetic?

1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.

The description of empathetic uses the word intellectual, surely not Brian then?.......:)

On a serious note, the picture does not convey the movement or force of the water enough for me, should I have used less DOF and perhaps a faster shutter speed? Would that have worked better?.........:shrug:


Reads like Brash to me. :) Does the water drop far enough to generate a significant force? If the image had been from a higher viewpoint then we might have seen the water's movement below the two bottom falls. So for me the answer would be a change of viewpoint rather than less DoF or faster shutter speed.
Nothing wrong with your picture, although in my opinion i'd crop the top off to around 10mm as you see on screen above the tallest tree on the left.

Doing this i feel the picture hold your eye
I can see it on a calender easily. I wish I could produce such Poo.
Brash, empathetic?

The description of empathetic uses the word intellectual, surely not Brian then?.......:)


Ah, pidgeon holed, stereo typed. Because of what I am, I must be a knuckle trailing numbskull, neo nazi, facist without any feelings. :shake:

I'm going to cry myself to sleep now. Well after I have finished reading the full works of Shakespear (the Latin translations of course). ;)
I'm no expert but my advice would be to try simplifying things for a while. I look at that image and while its pleasing, its also very busy and without a clear subject. You have the rocky bank on the left which you've made a feature with your perspective, the river/waterfall itself which is'nt made enough of a subject imo, the mass of trees which I think is the weakest element, the sky and the bridge.

If it were me I'd be tempted to isolate one aspect of the mentioned the flowing water......and then base the composition of the rest of the image around that. Try and use leading lines (like the shape of the river if you were futher to the right) to lead the eye through the might have then been able to make more of a feature of the bridge. You could also try and incude more foreground interest in your shot to help walk the eye through the scene.

A busy shot needs to be very well composed and often its quite tricky to pull off.

Like I say....I'm no expert but just trying to throw some ideas out there as I see it (y)
Nice capture - really like the colours and DOF. These plus the low perspective work reallt well imo
Ah, pidgeon holed, stereo typed. Because of what I am, I must be a knuckle trailing numbskull, neo nazi, facist without any feelings. :shake:

Shuddup you biff.............:LOL:

I'm going to cry myself to sleep now. Well after I have finished reading the full works of Shakespear (the Latin translations of course). ;)


Anyway, here is a different view. I see what you mean Russ, but it simply was not possible to get all the falls in, they go down quite a way and the bottom is inaccessible..(sp?)....Does this work better?

The light is good, the low shutter speeds are perfect for that scenery, but the composition is unbalanced...The water stream is too sacrificed at the edge of the photo IMHO ;)

The second one is better, good photo!
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For me, the second one is really nice, as it has a stronger composition than the first.

In order to improve the first, I'd recommend a slightly higher vantage point, that way the river will have a stronger tendancy to lead the eye into the show towards the bridge, which is indeed a nice focal point.
I prefer the second one, in that it conveys the force and movement of the water much better and that was your initial purpose.
I cant say i like the black lump on the left in the second one. Also with being lower and not being able to see more of the bridge leave you disappointed in my opinion

I prefer the second one, in that it conveys the force and movement of the water much better and that was your initial purpose

lol i feel the first one shows more force
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The second one definitely appeals to me more. The water looks so much better. It still looks like moving water, taken at a better shutter speed I imagine. The first one looks more like candy floss. The rocks in the second one lead the eye in much better to the waterfall. A really nice picture.
The second one has proper water and much the better for it, although none are in the woeful category.
I find capturing running water one of the most difficult things to photograph. Of your 2 shots #2 is the better IMO as it has a better balance. Neither are woeful, perhaps you are setting your standards too high.
All I can think of is .. wet knees

I like them :)