any 1 else find taking photos at Museums etc

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is it just me or do you all have the same problems with people etc standing in front of you? id swear they do it to pee you off they see you going to take a photo then stand in front of you just to pee you off now i know there there to see the said displays etc i will say you do get the few that stand back or say sorry for getting in the way but its not many ,:bonk: here is 2 photos from a visit to riverside Museum in glasgow

IMG_2291 by hoochy1, on Flickr

IMG_2325 by hoochy1, on Flickr
Patience is virtue, just stand back and wait for them to move on. Why not use other visitors as part of the photo or if the museum allow it, use a tripod and blur the visitors out with a long exposure.
i have seen me standing there for 10 mins sadly no tripod or mono pods lol
lol gary dont get me wrong i can see both sides, i wait till they have moved as of adding the people in the shot there is a lot of kids there at times plus people in wheelchairs etc ,not im not saying i have a god given rite every 1 in there visiting is in the same boat as me
I use a wide angle lens in museums etc. It puts you closer and tends to stop people getting between you and the subject. I also found this makes you less intrusive and less likely to annoy than having to stand back creating a gap where people hesitate to step in.
Museums, I try to get there at opening time, thus avoiding the hordes of mindless photobombers.

Recently on a visit to York minster cathedral I was not so lucky, I swear this one guy was following me around so that he could stand in my way for every single shot, I even tried walking back on myself to avoid him, which didn't work, he even managed to get in the way when I was trying to get a shot up in the central tower, he stood fast on the most central spot...... :bang: Had it not been for my respect of other peoples blind faith in mythical deities, I would have had some very harsh words with the gentleman.

Kids are by far the worst though, they can't look at something and then move on, they have to call over their entire family to "look, LOOK, LOOOK, LOOOOOOOOOOOKK!!!!!!!!!" at something they'd already seen 5 minutes previous. I call them chickens (look,look,look,look,look,look).
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I accept that in almost all situations other people have as much right to be there as I do, and because of that I don't get annoyed/hacked off etc. just because I can't get the shot I want.

Just because I have a camera it doesn't mean I have any more rights or privileges than anyone else.
Kids are by far the worst though, they can't look at something and then move on, they have to call over their entire family to "look, LOOK, LOOOK, LOOOOOOOOOOOKK!!!!!!!!!" at something they'd already seen 5 minutes previous. I call them chickens (look,look,look,look,look,look).

I call them kids.
And the people with the stern faces who dont like it. I call them grumpy old f****** :)
lol gary the day i was there there must have been 1 or more school's or classes there and me and the wife was walking down towards the trams and could hear all the kids starting to run down to them we looked at each outher and said stampede haha
Better off just having a walk to somewhere quieter and take pics then go back. If it's too busy I just pack in the camera and enjoy the museum.
Might seem odd considering this is a photography forum but I get annoyed with having to stand around waiting for people to take pics. Not museums but pretty much everywhere.

I accept that in almost all situations other people have as much right to be there as I do, and because of that I don't get annoyed/hacked off etc. just because I can't get the shot I want.

Just because I have a camera it doesn't mean I have any more rights or privileges than anyone else.

:plus1: To both above posts.

I call them kids.
And the people with the stern faces who dont like it. I call them grumpy old f****** :)

I'm a grumpy old fart on occasion! Mainly when some snotty nosed little brat smears said snot all over the previously clean glass...

Better off just having a walk to somewhere quieter and take pics then go back. If it's too busy I just pack in the camera and enjoy the museum.

Another :plus1: to this post - unless I particularly want a large print of a picture of summat in a museum (and a lot of stuff in them is subject to copyright...), I usually buy a postcard of the exhibit I want a picture of. In most cases the photographer has had far better access to the exhibit than I can (now) get and has been able to control the lighting.
Patience is virtue, just stand back and wait for them to move on. Why not use other visitors as part of the photo or if the museum allow it, use a tripod and blur the visitors out with a long exposure.

People getting in the way is a fact of life in most "museum" environments, so incorporating people into the photo rather than trying to fight to keep them out of the shot seems the way to go.

Last weekend I was photographing an exhibition of vintage buses in my town centre and there was no chance of getting a "clean" shot with no people in it so I thought it would be easier to simply use other people as "props" to the photo:

I call them kids.
And the people with the stern faces who dont like it. I call them grumpy old f****** :)


Damn those kids getting excited by our heritage , how dare they - they should be bored and silent :LOL:

tbh the only time kids in museums, galleries etc annoy me is when they are running arround not looking at the exhibits at all , that's when i start grumpily muttering "its not a 'king playground y'know"
i used to love going on school trips to things like museums etc when i was a kid next time i am at 1 (museum that is not a school trip) i will see if i can get some photos with some people in it lol to be honest i was having a bit of a off day
People getting in the way is a fact of life in most "museum" environments, so incorporating people into the photo rather than trying to fight to keep them out of the shot seems the way to go.

Last weekend I was photographing an exhibition of vintage buses in my town centre and there was no chance of getting a "clean" shot with no people in it so I thought it would be easier to simply use other people as "props" to the photo:

A topless topless bus.:eek: Sorry.:LOL: