any Black skin issues - anyone know?

Watch exposure, maybe meter from something a bit lighter like clothing etc if you dont have a grey card or decrease exposure about 1.5-2 stops if you meter from skin. You don't really want hotspots on people with darker skin as it can look a bit strange. Try lighter colour backgrounds and keep lighting nice and soft. Shoot in raw so you can adjust wb a bit to keep it looking natural. If she has some makeup with her she could use a bit of powder to reduce any reflections on forehead/nose/cheeks etc. If you do want to use darker backdrops try use a hair light. All I can think of at the moment!
If it is of any help I was at one time married to a black model.
Few points
Depending on how black the model is up to 2 stops more light on the model, take into account what she is wearing, a black model dress in white is the same problem as a very pale model dressed in I am sure there are people here who can be of more help but that is a start.
Black skin photographs beautifully but some moisture helps
Coco butter gives = little shine
Coconut oil = medium shine
Baby oil = high shine
If it is of any help I was at one time married to a black model.
Few points
Depending on how black the model is up to 2 stops more light on the model, take into account what she is wearing, a black model dress in white is the same problem as a very pale model dressed in I am sure there are people here who can be of more help but that is a start.
Black skin photographs beautifully but some moisture helps
Coco butter gives = little shine
Coconut oil = medium shine
Baby oil = high shine

Although I quite like the baby oil idea, maybe fun to try towards the end of the shoot for a different look!
@ OP But remember its easier to put on than take off, so use it after you try other things! (y)
I think a matte look is much nicer than having shine on darker skin, but thats just my opinion. Experiment and see what you think!

Depending on the shot
Ball gown at the opera = matte ish
Bikini on the beach = coconut oil
Art nude rim lit = baby oil
Very dry black skin can look powdery
Depending on the shot
Ball gown at the opera = matte ish
Bikini on the beach = coconut oil
Art nude rim lit = baby oil
Very dry black skin can look powdery

I agree actually, I think for low light or outdoor the oil idea sounds pretty cool, especially for a beach type shoot. Matte seems like a good idea for indoor/studio for me though.
Coco butter = matte ish with just enough moisture to stop the powdery look

edit I Should add ,face not included in this if the model is using make up
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If you have not cottoned on yet I love black models, get the lighting ect right and you have a stunning image