Any ideas as to what happened here?

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The camera was a Praktica MTL50, with a CZJ 29mm f2.8 lens, shooting FP4+ at box speed (developed in Microfen). The settings were 1/1000th at f2.8 and the shot was a chain link fence, about 8ft from the lens. My intention was to show the fall off in quality towards the edges. The resulting image has me puzzled as the MTL50 has a great focusing screen and the shutter speed should have prevented camera shake.

forum resize.jpg
It looks out of focus, but that would need a closer look at the negative to confirm. If that is the case, and the image was clearly in focus in the viewfinder, I'd look at the seating of the focusing screen. You can check this with greaseproof paper in the film gate when the camera is empty.
It looks out of focus to me too.
Did you scan it yourself?
I took this shot twice at f2.8 and f4. These were the only shots that were like this in the 36 frames. This is the f4 shot:

czj 29 2.8 fp4 24 forum.jpg
Well that looks about normal to me.
I think I may have stumbled across the answer: The focus ring is quite stiff at the near focus end of the throw and I may have unscrewed the lens slightly without realising it. Doh!
In that case, wouldn't the image still be sharp on the film if sharp on the screen? Unscrewing should just rack out the lens in the same way as in using the focusing helicoid.
In that case, wouldn't the image still be sharp on the film if sharp on the screen? Unscrewing should just rack out the lens in the same way as in using the focusing helicoid.
Damn! The mystery remains! :(