Any thoughts good or bad please

Only looked at #4. Face looks under exposed and an arm has caught the back light.
No. 4 - The face could be brighter, but I do like the way you lit the background, makes a nice change from plain white.

I like No2, well composed and exposed.
On your photobucket collection there are other shots which for me are better than 1 & 3, although that is a personal taste thing.
Only looked at #4. Face looks under exposed and an arm has caught the back light.

Yeah, it was deliberate but wondered what others thought. I like that style and themodel did to, her favourite was no.1.
No. 4 - The face could be brighter, but I do like the way you lit the background, makes a nice change from plain white.

I like No2, well composed and exposed.
On your photobucket collection there are other shots which for me are better than 1 & 3, although that is a personal taste thing.

Thanks, yeah there are others on there, i'm just wondering if my tast is all in my mouth;)
#1 has faded into the BG far too much for me.
#2 looks too soft IMO
#3 and #4 have caught a little too much backlight for my liking too
On a positive note, I do like the facial expressions and attitude of her stance.
If you click on an image you get directed to the OP's photobucket gallery to view larger.
Too much faffing for me hence only commenting on one. Sorry!
You can click on the images for larger ones

1. Not sure the eyes (lashes) are sharp enough? IO like the pose though and lighting looks nice.

2. is a bit dark especially on the shadow side - She's a tad close to the edge of the frame for me too....

3. Nice but the lighting doesn't look quite right - still small so tough to see

4. Subject is under exposed and the background takes the attention. A more unfirm vignetting of the light would help.
Yeah, it was deliberate but wondered what others thought. I like that style and themodel did to, her favourite was no.1.

Looked at #1 now. The PP doesn't do her skintones any justice imho. I know photobucket can make pics look a little flat or desaturated, but agree with Mr Ohno. But I really don't like it because the false eyelashes looks like something Danny La Rue would wear, and the lack of eye contact, but understand this is a subjective thing. (y)
I clicked each one to a new tab and got a very small picture. Do we have to click another something to get decent-sized samples? Sheesh. I gave up.

Anyway, Number 2 is pulling a wierd expression.
I dislike Number 3 the least. The full-length pics might be the best. Hard to tell. Make 'em bigger, much bigger.