Anybody been to the Ukraine?

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Im going out there in July. Flying to Rzeszow in Poland then crossing the border into the Ukraine by train. From there going to Lviv then heading down to Odessa for a few days.
Any advice on where to go and what to look out for etc...apart from stunning Eastern European women of course.
Stunning European women are of course the best reason.
Two of my colleagues went to Lvov at Easter and I'll ask them later on what things to see are thereabouts.
On a practical note, they initially tried to drive across and spent 5 hours at the border after which they were refused entry. As they turned to go back they were stopped by the border guards for trying to leave the country illegally!
Eventually the British Consul was called in to get them out. After which they crossed by rail, but the border checks are extensive and tedious so be prepared for a long wait. Once you get to Lvov, it's everything you imagine a former communist city will be like, according to the lads.
I'll get some specific info for you later on if I can.
Hey Deano, I haven't been myself but I work with a lot of Ukrainians and one of the managers here was a British Council trainer with the Ukrainian armed forces so I could try to pass on any questions you have if they aren't too busy.