Anybody travel with their DSLR?

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Hi All, I am a newb to the forum and please forgive me but im just gonna dive in and ask you all your advice! Please forgive my long post but does anybody out there travel with their DSLR regularly?

In two weeks im driving down to Provence with my wife, little boy and best friends, we are lucky enough to have a villa for the duration and we will be doing a hell of a lot of sightseeing. We will be doing motorway to Lyon, staying the night, then a scenic route through the Ardeche to Brignoles in Var, Provence. We have two weeks in Provence doing and seeing everything possible and then we have a scenic return trip along the Route Napoleon to Dijon, then a motorway return home.

Now ive taken my Nikon D60 away with me to Paris before on my honeymoon and at the time id just bought my Sigma 10-20mm so i just equipped that and used it for the whole holiday as a test run. Having a UWA was an advantage due to architechture and panoramas obviously and I got some good shots, but I missed a few due to restricted focal length these included some good tele shots as well as the odd portrait. Due to the fact it was my honeymoon i didn't want my camera to be centre of attention (As it usually is!).

This time i have acquired a bit more kit but again this is supposed to be a relaxing holiday and the camera can't be a big deal (wife's orders!). I plan on carrying it with me all the time so i can shoot handheld off the shoulder without interupting anyones day (As im sure you'll agree us Photographers can be quite demanding for that shot and almost dictate the day if camera is in hand).

I was thinking about a D300/35mm f1.8 combo, the 35mm of late has really pushed my skills to the limit and made me move around and plan the shot a bit more rather than just setting up and shooting so im thinking it might make a good travel companion? It's crisp and fast and light. A lot of people say a 35/50mm prime makes you a better photographer and I think this is true.

I do have my tele (70-300mm VR) and UWA (Sigma 10-20) as well should i need it but i want to see if good all round shots can be achieved a little easier. Unfortunately i trashed my 18-70mm Nikkor at work a month ago so i am without a kit lens currently, but this isn't a problem as i feel a kit lens makes me lazy so im actually improving my skills by shooting sans kit lens! I see a lot of 18-200mm VR's on holiday and days out and although i could get one i want to avoid it as it won't force me to find the perfect shots and angles. I want some really nice crisp shots a few mono shots and interesting pics and i know it's a tall order with my kit but i think it can be done.

Has anyone out there got any tips for travelling light and discreetly but also being able to get that perfect shot should it arise. Does anyone have any insight, advice, tips or experiences of their own they would like to share, alternatively what do people think of my idea? Are there any perfect settings people use to get those golden images? Im all ears! Please enlighten me.
discreet is probably my Sony HXV5 P&S....:)

Not sure a 1D MKII and 300mm f2.8 discreet :D:LOL: or a ruck sac full of equipment, but then my last hol was to the Czech Rep to watch and photograph the Czech TT road racing.... As for the 18-200mm, great holiday snap lens and in good light gives you a useful range, but never been a fan of these hyperzooms, delivers average performance.

Are you after a replacement lens for your 18-70 to take on holiday with as a walkabout lens?
Hi All, I am a newb to the forum and please forgive me but im just gonna dive in and ask you all your advice! Please forgive my long post but does anybody out there travel with their DSLR regularly?
Welcome :)

...and the camera can't be a big deal (wife's orders!)...
I know that feeling!

...I was thinking about a D300/35mm f1.8 combo...I see a lot of 18-200mm VR's...
Maybe combine the two? When I need to travel light that's what I do. Two Sigmas - a 30mm 1.4 and 18-200mm OS. The 30mm stays on most of the time and the superzoom (which mainly gets used as an 18mm and 200mm) gives versatility and stabilisation when it's needed.
Yep, any holiday I go on the DSLR comes too! I've got really quite good at photographing and walking too, so I don't get the angry face from my girlfriend when we've stopped for the millionth time so I can click away!

I think the key thing is just not to take too much. Accept the fact that you can't have a lens for every occasion, I took a walkabout lens (17-50), ultrawide for the architecture stuff, and an 85mm f/1.8. Three light, small lenses, and fairly versatile. I didn't plan on doing any wildlife stuff or covering any sports events, so anything longer would have just been dead weight really.

I'd suggest the D300 with the 35mm prime, and take the 10-20 with you as well. If that prospect doesn't leave you trembling with fear over the lack of anything longer, then I'm sure you'll be fine :D
The camera goes everywhere so when on holiday the camera would be going too! Just make sure the insurance and packing is right.
Thanks for the replies guys!

Pete.Rush yes i can see a 1D and lenses to accompany it being a bit of a task to lug around! My D300 with my 70-300mm gets a bit heavy on an all dayer! I am after a relplacment yes but starpped for cash at the mo, the 18-70 was insured but not worth claiming for at around £150? They wanted repair invoices etc, just gonna save and buy a fast decent lens maybe 17-55 f2.8 or if i can that far a 24-70 f2.8, i did a location shoot with work the other day and hired a 24-80 f2.8 and the pictures were amazingly crisp but had to be the heaviest lens to walk around with that wasn't a tele!

SixToes, that's prob a good idea but im trying to stay away from the 18-200, i will just get lazy with it, i know i will. Im seriously thinking about challenging myself and keeping the 35mm on and maybe switch to UWA every now and again, the sigma is nice at f4 if a little too wide, lots of barrel distortion but i like the drama!
I bought a Leica for family holidays because DSLR kit just got the rest of the family annoyed. So we have a great compromise now. I holiday with the family and no big cameras. Then I have my own mini break away in the camper where I can fill my boots!
I'd suggest the D300 with the 35mm prime, and take the 10-20 with you as well. If that prospect doesn't leave you trembling with fear over the lack of anything longer, then I'm sure you'll be fine :D

I think this combo is a winner at the mo, and your totally right, ill be trembling the whole two weeks, ive missed many a shot when i don't take the camera, knowing my luck ill see a perfectly perched Bonelli Eagle in the Verdon Gorge and the 35mm will be equipped!! It'll be a combination of stealth and what ive seen on Ray Mears!
I bought a Leica for family holidays because DSLR kit just got the rest of the family annoyed. So we have a great compromise now. I holiday with the family and no big cameras. Then I have my own mini break away in the camper where I can fill my boots!

The thought of being able to afford a Leica is overwhelming Ali, i think you've nailed the perfect travel camera there, I contantly scower Car Boots hoping to find one sat in a box waiting for me to give it a good home! I wouldn't look out of place on my day trips to Nice and Monaco either! Do you have any Leica pics i can see?
lol I got the little digi one Nick

It lives in my handbag and goes everywhere with me. I also use it for recces of wedding venues and I can even use it with off camera flash if I like. Can shoot in manual and has f2.8 too. The only thing it does not have is a decent optical zoom so it's foot zoom or digital zoom. Still does some amazing things though, my sunsets on hols this year were great fun. I'll download some tomorrow :)
If I went to France, particularly the Ardeche/Provence, possibly passing through Burgundy, then no way would I leave the DSLR at home. There is amazing wild life - Eagles, boar, chamoix, bear, so take a telephoto zoom. Then you have all the scenery and historic buildings - wide angle zoom territory.
Am I jealous?

You bet!
I'd suggest that you tell your wife that if she doesn't dictate to you how you conduct your hobby, then you won't dictate to her what make up and clothes she buys and wears.
I'd suggest that you tell your wife that if she doesn't dictate to you how you conduct your hobby, then you won't dictate to her what make up and clothes she buys and wears.

And then pop down to A&E to have the camera removed?

I am off to Turkey in Sept, I am taking my 450D with a Tamron 18-270 and the 18-55 IS kit lens. If I am indoors, nightime with flash, or certain I do not need the zoom I use the 18-55, but anywhere else I use the 18-270. When previously using the 18-55 & 55-250 lens combo there were occasions when I would be taking a close up then notice something distant where I needed the zoom, and of course sods law that when using long zoom something was close that I could not frame at 55mm. Since then the hassle of carrying the 18-270 has been less than the hassle of changing lenses when raining, dusty, or you need to take a shot right now (or it is gone).

The quality of photos taken with good lenses is probably better than my 18-270, but a lot of photo equipment is a trade off in some way, the quality/convenience I get is acceptable to me, but not necessarily for someone else.
I always bring my camera for longer trips. If it's just a getaway weekend with the lady, I usually just bring a point-and-shoot.

Usually I just travel with one lens always mounted on the camera. So in my case, I either go with the 24-70, or the 50; which one depends on type of trip. City based - 50, out and exploring country side - 24-70.
Tell us some more about the camera on honeymoon :naughty:
I just went round a fair bit of Europe for 6 weeks with the girlfriend. I took my 1D, 24-70, 15mm Fisheye and 580 EX II, oh and a Manfrotto 055.

Most days I just took the 1D+24-70 over my shoulder. Barely notice it's there. There were a few times when I was wishing I had the 70-200 with me, but even if I did, I probably wouldn't have brought both lenses out with me.

So, 1 body + midrange zoom = job done for most travel stuff in my book.

Saying that, I'm hoping to go to Asia next year and will probably take 2 bodies, 2 lenses and a teleconvertor...
I always travel with my DSLR - at the very least I carry my 70-200 and my 28mm 2.8. I've always been covered for the shots I wanted so far.

i like the idea of the 35mm and the 10-20, nice and challenging for the trip, but if the cameras not meant to be a big deal on the trip perhaps it is the right occasion for a lens that, yes, might make you lazier, but will ultimatly allow you to enjoy your surrounding with your camera without annoying your wife at the same time.
And then pop down to A&E to have the camera removed?
Heh :)

...I am taking my 450D with a Tamron 18-270 and the 18-55 IS kit lens. If I am indoors, nightime with flash, or certain I do not need the zoom I use the 18-55, but anywhere else I use the 18-270.
Out if interest why do you bother carrying the kit lens when the Tamron covers that range at about the same aperture? Does it have better IQ than the Tamron or something?
SLR and lenses to cover 12mm-300mm come with us on holiday. Uses all my hand baggage allowance (and then some!) but keeps me occupied while my wife lies in the sun.
Have been tempted by an 18-200/250 type superzoom but am happy carrying the extra lenses which are all FF compatible.
I've just got back from carrying my 5D and a 24-70 (plus a few bits and bobs) over the Pyrenees, it was a bit tiresome going walking 500 miles with it but we managed, although I regretted taking my "light" Manfrotto tripod after about 20 minutes into a 45 day walk!
Heh :)

Out if interest why do you bother carrying the kit lens when the Tamron covers that range at about the same aperture? Does it have better IQ than the Tamron or something?

The 18-55 IS takes up hardly any room in my shoulder bag, and if going into a mueum or similar, taking the 450d out when dark, etc, it is more covenient to carry the 450d/18-55 combo with the 18-270 in the bag, or leave the 18-270 at the hotel. I do not need the zoom if the furthest shot is limited by walls, or darkness, or trees, etc, so the 18-55 is a nice light lens for when I am certain the extra reach is not required. But I can guarantee now I have said that as soon as I have the 18-55 on the camera I will need the bigger lens!
Wow, thanks peeps, there is a wealth of info there and it seems there is no easy solution to this at all! I think based on what andy700 said the telezoom will have to come with me as well! I think ill just buy the wife those Chanel sunglasses she wants and take the whole kit bag!!

I will def update with pics on my return though!!

Thanks again guys!