Anyone been to a Timeline Events Bus shoot (or going this weekend)?

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Got my first bus shoot (but not my first TLE event) this weekend, London Bus around central London. Trying to work out what kit to take - thinking the 24-70 for convenience but thinking about my 20mm, 50mm and 85mm too. Also would quite fancy taking the film cameras (M6 & Rolleicord).

Anyone from here going this weekend?
Not been on one of these but recently did an overnight taxi reccy with a small group, and a complete overnight on the closed DLR. (No madam, this will not get you home, its a private excursion, and on another, the sight of the Tesco security guard's gobsmacked face at 3am in a huge empty store, with a whole load of shoppers entering the store at that time, to use the facilities and restocked ourselves, being the highlights). :)

I take it you are taking a tripod and lens wipes?

Camera/lens wise, I would use the 24-70mm for its versatility. You don't want to be taking a huge bag of kit/lenses/cameras, these things I find, get tiring, especially at night. Depending on the pace of the trip, other participants won't appreciate waiting at every stop for you to get your shot.

Also plan for adverse weather, being drenched on the Southbank in a thunderstorm ain't that much fun. :(
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