Anyone done the Practical Photography Free DSLR Course?

I have joined up this year, mainly to get more focussed into my photography.

Life just seems to get in the way too much!

Anyone else from Norfolk?
how about setting up a flickr group also?

never set one up so dunno if its a faff.. :) have had my emails, got the mag and am ready to go..

Just in the process of setting one up - any ideas on rules?

So far I have

* Only photographs taken as part of the course to be uploaded to the group pool

* No unauthorised use or copying of photographs from this group

* No nudity

* Discussion to be about the course and the modules

For anyone who wishes to join the group on Flickr here is the link

thanks sharon, have joined the group..

not read this months mag yet.. off tomorrow so time to get stuck into it properly
The project briefs are for your individual project which must be completed alongside the tasks set in each issue.

This months homework tasks are taking an image of an urban scene using a fixed item such as a statue, fence or wall and creating a blur effect of people walking past and then an urban scene with light trails. When you get the magazine it will make sense :)

I read it as being that the additional project (which you chose from the 5 briefs) is a seperate thing that you do throughout the 6 months to create a series of images depicting that theme.

Thanks Sharon! I have got my mag now so hopefully I can get out this weekend and have a play. Worried about the light trails shot as I dont know how to keep my shutter open, as in the settings cos the mag said about B setting and I have nt got one:shrug: :help:

Edit: Being thick, I did not have it on TV setting!!!!
Ceri, The 20d does have a bulb mode, just select manual and then adjust the shutter speed up antil it displays bulb :)
I registered for the course.

Last Wednesday I rushed to our local Sainsbury after work to get Practical Photography. Having had a look at the course I think it's a big disappointment. It doesn't seem to start at the beginning. There's very little about camera controls, lenses, holding camera correctly, looking after your camera etc. One of the videos is on shutter speed and that's access via their website.

Supposing for example say you're retired and don't have access to the internet how can you view the video?

Last years course was much better in my opinion.

I am disappointed by the course but will continue to follow it.
Cheers SmileyShazza
I'm in too.
Will try to get mag today and check out £10 offer to start next issue.
I have been buying PP on and off for more years than I care to remember. I have just gone back to it after a break of more than a year, specifically taking advantage of £10 offer.

The Chris Weston video on the web is very good, well worth a watch. I attended a wildlife seminar / course run by Chris a few years ago ehich was very good, he is a good tutor with lots of practical experience to pass on.

Has anyone been out in the cold yet to get their light trails??

One thing that was not covered well on the video was personal safety when doing light trails.
Braved the rain last night to have a go at the light trails. Results were dissappointing - light trails were fine but the rest of the shot was rubbish! So back to the drawing board with my location :thinking:
Stupid bloody weather - was really hoping to get out today to have a go at the two homework assignments today but it's chucking it down with rain :(

Hardly chucking it down, just been out and is only spitting! :LOL:
Busted :LOL: It was still enough for me not to want to stand out in it for ages trying to get a picture :p

Didn't rain all afternoon either, not here anyway, looks like it maybe sunny tomorrow
Didn't rain all afternoon either, not here anyway, looks like it maybe sunny tomorrow

Really? Am pretty sure it was drizzling all afternoon although did get involved in something at home which needed doing so by time I thought about checking it was starting to get dark.

Am at work all day today till about 6pm :(

Sure there will be some good weather soon - as soon as I can I'm out with the camera :)
How is everyone getting on?

Went out yesterday afternoon to try and do the blurry people shots, original place didn't work as it wasn't busy enough so tried a couple of other places. Ended up with my first ejection for taking pictures :shake:

Got home and am not really happy with any of the images. There are a couple I can use if I am pushed but think I can do better so will need to head out to try again. I might try my original idea just do it at a different time as it should be busier.

Already have an idea for the light trails - might have a go at that tonight if time allows :)
I am still doing it. Getting on pretty well although the feedback from the organisers is pretty poor I am getting my feedback from other members on our Flickr group.

It has (so far) taught me stuff that I didn't know and is forcing me to try new things out with the camera which is what I wanted - so in that respect it has been worth it :)