Anyone ever bought a nissin speedlite?

I've still got one somewhere that I used on my old EOS 1000FN. Fully manual, worked okay.
So that was an actual nissin - so these guys have been around for a while? sounds good.... think I might go for it
I wouldn't bet the mortgage on this but I must have had it for at least 10 years. I could probably find it given a spare week too.
Woahhhh And that is the exact same item too. Maybe it is an old website? a chancer? a high street price? At least this nissin brand seems to be plausible. Now the only issue is the customs limit, which is £18. So once I've added customs vat on I still get a decent price... will look into when I am back home on Monday. Sounds like a good plan.... if anyone finds any other 'alternative brand' speedlites do let me know. :)
That's only if customs pick it up. My grip, radio triggers and a few other small packages have come through no probs.