Anyone ever sold anything through Ffordes?

woof woof

I like a nice Chianti
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I have quite a few old film era primes but these days I hardly get to use them and they're just sat in storage tins so I think I'll have to sell most. I'll keep a few, obviously :D but most should go.

I've bought things on e bay but have never sold on there and as I've read a few horror stories I think I'd like to avoid doing so so I'm wondering how else I could sell them. There seems to be little interest here so I wondered about ffordes or anywhere else. So, without me ringing them and even if I did I wouldn't know if hey were good to deal with has anyone ever sold kit to or through them and if so are they or anywhere else good and worthwhile to use for old film era lenses?
From experience, if you have a branch of Harrisons in your local area they do good prices for preowned stuff.

I've bought and sold on eBay for years with very few problems, only time I had a major problem selling was about 8 years ago I sold a collection of WWE VHS videos, got Mum to send them off first class and everything, the buyer never received them so rather than get negative feedback for something that technically wasn't my fault, I gave her the 25 quid back for the 4 videos, in the end she gave me positive for being "so honest".
I never got a decent offer from ffordes or LCE for that matter.
The only person that offered fair price was Peter Walnes but he's gone from being decent trusted trader to a scam artist for some reason!

I sold my collection on eBay, some on here and some to Peter Walnes (this was before he stopped paying people for thier equipment)
Ah! Yes! I've just had a look at their site and they do have some old film era lenses listed. I'll add them to the list of possibles. Thanks Richard. No branches near me though.
I never got a decent offer from ffordes or LCE for that matter.
The only person that offered fair price was Peter Walnes but he's gone from being decent trusted trader to a scam artist for some reason!

I sold my collection on eBay, some on here and some to Peter Walnes (this was before he stopped paying people for thier equipment)

I might list them here and if any sell, fair enough, but I don't think ebay is for me as although it looks like I do nothing but post on this site all day I'm actually busy and I really don't need the risk and hassle of problems with buyers on e bay.
I've sold through Ffordes many times over the years, and all without issue. You have the choice of selling directly to them, part exchanging for something else, or using them for a commission sale which gives the highest price. Their Commission Sales terms are at , and are straight forward. You'd have to wait for the items to sell before you get your money, and settlement is after the 14 day distance selling period.
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I've sold through Ffordes many times over the years, and all without issue. You have the choice of selling directly to them, part exchanging for something else, or using them for a commission sale which gives the highest price. Their Commission Sales terms are at , and are straight forward. You'd have to wait for the items to sell before you get your money, and settlement is after the 14 day distance selling period.
Same experience. I’ve always sold on commission.
Although I didn't go ahead with the deal - Harrison cameras offered the best price for one of my Nikon DX lenses. This was as compared to another well known used camera equipment retailer.
Simple process - send some pictures of the item - get a quote (quickly).
Much safer than eBay, but slightly less money.
Yes. Sold one recently but I have between 30 and 40 or so to sort through and I can't imagine more than a few selling.
I'd tend to make a list of what you've got and its condition, then send it to Ffordes or whoever rather than sending the items themselves. While some film era lenses are worth decent money, others are not and there's no real point sending low value items to a dealer. Ffordes also have a shop on eBay which tends to have the things they don't list on their website, so that's probably worth a look for prices.

Lenses are at
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I never got a decent offer from ffordes or LCE for that matter.
The only person that offered fair price was Peter Walnes but he's gone from being decent trusted trader to a scam artist for some reason!

I sold my collection on eBay, some on here and some to Peter Walnes (this was before he stopped paying people for thier equipment)
I read an article about this chap, sounds like he ended up running sort of a Ponzi
type enterprise.
I read an article about this chap, sounds like he ended up running sort of a Ponzi
type enterprise.
Still seems to be trading on ebay as 'arri888', after apparently going bankrupt. This shows why we should always read the negative reviews, not just look at the percentage feedback (much of it from lower value items).,overall_rating:NEGATIVE
Google will find plenty of other terrible reviews and some serious allegations. I bought something from him years ago when he was running a company with a different name, which also went bust. I was recently tempted by a lens on ebay offered by the arri888 account, until I realised who it was.
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I've sold to Ffordes both on commission and p/x. Every time they've given me 3 prices. Straight cash sale, p/x and commission.

Every time my gear has been inspected thoroughly. Every time I've wanted an update, I've rung through to an actual person who has been able to not only help, but offer the sort of customer service you got years ago. It's proper old school (IMO of course!)

Personally, I think they are the genuine article. They're not trying to rip you off, just get a good price with a commission for them as the cost of doing business. If you pass off the risk by just selling it to them, they offer a lower price.

I've tried quite a few other sellers across various platforms and Ffordes and Wex (more for digital stuff) come out consistently high. I'd have no problems recommending either. West Yorkshire Cameras are also excellent, although they can be a little slow on comms. They only offer cash and don't do commission or p/x but again, I had no problems with the process.

there's no real point sending low value items to a dealer
+1 for this. If the lens is worth less than £100 you might be better off in the classifieds here, or on eBay. Although it's really difficult to put a price on risk and peace of mind...
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Thanks all.

I think for me e bay will be a non starter as I just don't want to take the risk of dealing with a numptie and wasting time and effort.

I'll start by going through everything and seeing what I want to keep and what I want to sell and then try and see what they're going for and see if I can set prices to list them on here or sell to or through the dealers mentioned in this thread.

I keep thinking I'll eventually have time to use these lenses but being realistic I really can't see myself having the free time I used to have when I started buying and enjoying them so I might as well slim the collection right down and move on.
I think for me e bay will be a non starter as I just don't want to take the risk of dealing with a numptie and wasting time and effort.
In last year alone I have sold around 60 items (and bought in equal amounts). Around 2/3rd of those on eBay. That's 5 per month on average. No issues on eBay.
Yes things can go wrong but people make is sound like every other transaction is a fraud.
FWIW I have had more problems here than on eBay.

Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of eBay. Majority of the time I advertise here first and only go to eBay when someone here makes me take pictures. I sometimes just go to MPB because I don't like eBay and no one here was interested. But when I do go to eBay its fine.
Funnily enough I have had more problems with MPB too lol!
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I sent a load of digital and film gear to Ffordes to sell on commission in 2020, it all sold no problem. I think they paid at the end of the month so you don’t get paid immediately after it sells, but I had no problems at all and would definitely recommend them.
I'd try LCE and Mifsuds. If you have a list ready, it'll only take a minute of your time.
I've sold through Ffordes many times over the years, and all without issue. You have the choice of selling directly to them, part exchanging for something else, or using them for a commission sale which gives the highest price. Their Commission Sales terms are at , and are straight forward. You'd have to wait for the items to sell before you get your money, and settlement is after the 14 day distance selling period.

I too have sold items through Ffordes on a commission basis and also without issue. In one instance I spoke to them about a lens which I thought was worth a certain amount, they told me that I had undervalued it and suggested a higher price. I took their advice and the lens did sell at that price.

I've found that there are three advantages of selling through a reputable dealer on a commission basis. The item reaches a larger number of buyers. A buyer knows that the item will be as described as the dealer, in order to protect their reputation, will not sell an item which is not as described. Lastly the dealer will always try to get the best possible price as the better the price, the larger their commission.

From the opposite point of view, over the last fifteen years or so I have bought quite a number of items from Ffordes, ranging from filters to lenses and binoculars. I have found that all were as described, mint means mint and worn means worn. I have no connection with them except as a satisfied customer.
I've sold privately and to Ffordes. The former probably meant lower prices because it is hard to push for a good price to someone you meet often. Ffordes were helpful and informative and I agree with all the points that Earley Man makes above. I chose commission sale because I didn't need the money straight away. eBay adds layers of angst, I find.
Thanks all.

I'll take a couple of weeks to think about this as my pc has a fault and needs to go away for repair and is being collected on Monday so I'll use the time it's away to think about what I want to keep and what I want to move on and I'll also photograph the lenses I want to sell.
While some film era lenses are worth decent money, others are not and there's no real point sending low value items to a dealer.
Quite. The market generally is swarming with old stuff.
Ffordes also have a shop on eBay which tends to have the things they don't list on their website, so that's probably worth a look for prices.

Lenses are at
Good idea.

My view from experience over some years is that Ebay is a very good marketplace. You have to put the work in, though, and it is time-consuming.

Especially for something technical like lenses, you need not just good photographs, but very importantly full descriptions that mention all operating parameters.

To the time spent in preparing listings, you have to add the time dealing with purchases, packing & dispatching. It all mounts up.

To keep things simple you might restrict sales to the UK (or maybe Europe), and exclude Russia, Brazil, Africa or wherever. And stipulate no returns to deter the casual time-wasters.

I've bought and sold quite a number of lenses there, and it's always worked. Buyers can also be appreciative of good items, well-packed and sent promptly.

Fees are reasonable and you bypass the dealer mark-up.
An interesting thread... I am also thinking of selling an item (Leica UV binoculars) and although I have bought and sold lots on Ebay, for me, it's not the place for higher value items.
Maybe Ffordes can handle my sale.
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Quite. The market generally is swarming with old stuff.

Is it?

When looking on Ffordes and others and even on e bay for even some of the mass market lenses I have there often aren't all that many to choose from in the UK. If you're willing to buy from the USA or Japan there are often more but of course you risk import charges.

I've just looked up a few of maybe the more interesting lenses I have and there are none listed on ebay for sale in the UK but some from USA, Japan and others. That could give me hope that mine might sell... maybe I'll list them here before trying dealers,
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I have sold and p/x with ffordes and have no hesitation in recommending them. An honest and good personal service - They would rather tell you how they see it than hardsell or let you down. I know that Olympus rate them highly too.
I wouldn't be scared of eBay, I've had good results (sales) with eBay over the last 6 months, and to be honest the new payment system (rather than PayPal) has reduced my post sales queries to zero. It also gives a worldwide market potential (obviously you want (and can) exclude certain countries) and with the Global Shipping Program becomes very straightforward - no more calculating postage price type messages.

A dealer can offer a pain free experience, but I suspect you will make more money selling directly - that said some dealers who are at the top end of prices, can give youy a good return.

I had an 'odd' experience recently with a Bronica Viewfinder, I bought it from West Yorkshgire Cameras when I happened to be in Leeds one day - so paid a retail price for it, a few weeks later I acquired one from an auction (not eBay) with internal metering - so I put the original one on eBay with a £5 increase to cover fees, It was purchased through eBay by Misfuds at full asking price!!
I've just looked up a few of maybe the more interesting lenses I have and there are none listed on ebay for sale in the UK
Did you check already sold items (tick box down the page on the left), or just current offerings?
Did you check already sold items (tick box down the page on the left), or just current offerings?


But, having a thing and there not being any on ebay today or recently doesn't mean it'll sell, I know that. It's just a snap shot in time for something with quite limited appeal. Who wants film era manual primes today? It's a limited market. Having said that, I've had my moneys worth out of these lenses and if they can go to a good home for anything other than a knock down give away price I'll be happy enough.

But, having a thing and there not being any on ebay today or recently doesn't mean it'll sell, I know that. It's just a snap shot in time for something with quite limited appeal. Who wants film era manual primes today? It's a limited market. Having said that, I've had my moneys worth out of these lenses and if they can go to a good home for anything other than a knock down give away price I'll be happy enough.
maybe try search

Dan has composed a massive list of secondhand sellers in the UK. I am sure some of them will buy your lenses.
This thread has reminded me I have several Nikon Ai-s lenses that are not used now.
I'll send them off to Ffordes next week.
I use e.bay quite a bit both local and global sales , at first I was wary of the new payment system but now it’s super . As long as your honest with descriptions its great and easy to use. No problem using the global system either as they do it all for you
I have never used the global system. I used to buy from and sell to EU but since Brexit I have stopped doing that also.
I'd never post anything Internationally, apparently you can't charge more than £3.50 postage and International post would cost double that at least plus I'd have to use recorded signed for as I don't trust Royal Mail to not lose stuff)
I'd never post anything Internationally, apparently you can't charge more than £3.50 postage and International post would cost double that at least plus I'd have to use recorded signed for as I don't trust Royal Mail to not lose stuff)
Depends on what you are selling.
For something like games you can't charge more than £3.5 but for cameras and lenses you can
I just shifted half a dozen items through ffordes. D810, xt20, plus a few lenses. I traded in a couple of items against a used lens I was after and commission sold the rest. Commission rate OK, all items sold, money transferred. After a few weeks they suggested a small reduction in sale price on the xt20 but it was my choice to drop or not

I’ve got another couple of items I’m looking at selling through them on commission basis so no issues from me in using them
I'd never post anything Internationally, apparently you can't charge more than £3.50 postage and International post would cost double that at least plus I'd have to use recorded signed for as I don't trust Royal Mail to not lose stuff)
You use the global selling program , just put in size and weight on the advert .when sold you just post to the u.k depot they then forward it using there own carriers .with end to end tracking .. customer has no comeback on you as it’s packed and tracked by e.bay .. the pound is so low on the markets it’s worth doing
Thanks all.

I'll take a couple of weeks to think about this as my pc has a fault and needs to go away for repair and is being collected on Monday so I'll use the time it's away to think about what I want to keep and what I want to move on and I'll also photograph the lenses I want to sell.
I'm waiting Alan :)

I'm waiting Alan :)


It'll be a couple of weeks as my pc has a little fault on it (the microphone isn't working) and it's being collected for repair tomorrow with turnaround time being about two weeks so I wont be able to process or post any pictures until its back and set up as they're bound to wipe it.

I hate having to load everything back onto pc's and set them up again :mad: