Anyone got a fisheye?

Joe, did you get a samyang lens then?

Anyone know the cheapest place to get one for my D40 (nikon) or what the other names are for the lens, as i've read that samyang trade under a different name also??
Joe, did you get a samyang lens then?

Anyone know the cheapest place to get one for my D40 (nikon) or what the other names are for the lens, as i've read that samyang trade under a different name also??
I got mine from here and love it!
I have to say the lens is a thing of beauty and ive recently been doing some interesting stuff with mine. I started 2 Sundays ago.

360 x 180 Equirectangular Panorama.

Workshop 360 x 180 Equirectangular Panorama by gizto29, on Flickr

Check out the interactive shot aswell.

360 Stereoscopics from the same images.

Workshop Outy by gizto29, on Flickr

Workshop Pano Inny by gizto29, on Flickr

Theyre not perfect but not bad for a first attempt and i will be doin alot more with better subjects. Samyang ftw!
Don't have a fisheye............I've got three :D :p

Nikon 16mm f/2.8 AIS
Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 DX
Bronica 35mm f/3.5 PS

Well it's mainly down to the fact I do a lot of action and sport photography which means I can get closer to the action.......and risk my lens getting hit!!

Here's some of my stuff below


Bronica SQ-A w/ Bronica 35mm f/3.5 PS


Nikon D700 w/ Nikon 16mm f/2.8 AIS


Nikon D70s w/ Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 DX
Cherryrig - that Bronica glass must be like a massive chupp-chup and weigh a tonne!!!! :) Looks great on square format....
hi Joe,

i am sure you are aware, but if you have a cropped body the 'fisheys' distrotion effect will not be apparant in you images. What you will have in effect is a 24mm (with a wee bit of funky distortion at the 4 corners i fink) in case of the canon ef15mm.

i have found the canon 15mm be a gem in my bag, i use more often than the 24-70 when i am travelling and out of a walk. its tak sharp, has a small minimum focusing distance and since you can control the distortion tilting the cam/lightroom3 it a great UWA lens.
but be warned the AF motor is a micro-motor (i think) and is rather noisy.

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hi Joe,

i am sure you are aware, but if you have a cropped body the 'fisheys' distrotion effect will not be apparant in you images. What you will have in effect is a 24mm (with a wee bit of funky distortion at the 4 corners i fink) in case of the canon ef15mm.

i have found the canon 15mm be a gem in my bag, i use more often than the 24-70 when i am travelling and out of a walk. its tak sharp, has a small minimum focusing distance and since you can control the distortion tilting the cam/lightroom3 it a great UWA lens.
but be warned the AF motor is a micro-motor (i think) and is rather noisy.


Will this be the case if I get the 8mm samyang fisheye for my nikon D40?

Also, if i upgraded to the D90 will this also change anything?

Will this be the case if I get the 8mm samyang fisheye for my nikon D40?

Also, if i upgraded to the D90 will this also change anything?


here is an image using the samang 8mm on a nikon d300s. the sensor size is the same for all nikon dx format(me thinks) ie. 1.5x crop. the 8mm will have a effective foacl length of 12mm.

i recently brought a 300mm f2.8 and also a 15mm f2.8 - and as a sports photographer which one do you think i use the most/clients love/would not leave the house without

... the 15mm f2.8

on a full frame camera it is a bit extreme but on the 1.3 crop 1d it is very usable
here is an image using the samang 8mm on a nikon d300s. the sensor size is the same for all nikon dx format(me thinks) ie. 1.5x crop. the 8mm will have a effective foacl length of 12mm.


Seems ok to me!

Those images look really good!

I've started another thread about it, but seeing this I may as well ask here too. Has anyone used the lensbaby scout with the fisheye optic? It seems to be about £20 cheaper than the samyang but looking at everyones reviews of the samyang, that seems to be the one to go for!
Another vote for Samyang 8mm f3.5 fisheye

I've got my self one about 2 weeks ago, it performs well. And it was only 200 next day deliver Brand new.

It is manual lens, means that you set the F on the lens and focus manually. However the focus is really accurate, all you have to do is set the focusing distance.

Samyang 8mm, fantastic lens. Sadly I dont use it so much anymore, theres some times though where nothing else will do.
Samyang fisheye is a fenomenal lens. Here, straght out of the camera

I absolutely love it. This is post processed to pull details from the shadows. It gives very vivid colors

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gunnar said:
I think nikons (except flagship ones) don't support metering through unchipped lens. BUt I could be wrong.

Great pictures...

I'm guessing this lens will still be ok on a D40 tho, as others have said previously.

Regarding the metering, will i just have to make sure a flash is not needed when using this lens?
Regarding the metering, will i just have to make sure a flash is not needed when using this lens?

No it's not about a flash, it's about setting the exposure.

Samyang is a manual lens, i.e. you have to set aperture by turning aperture ring on the lens barrel. So unless your camera can fall back to stopped down metering when it can't control lens' aperture you'll have to switch to M mode and set shutter speed manually as well. This is not a rocket science, but most people prefer to use A mode and let camera choose shutter speed automatically.
All canons support stopped down metering. Most nikons (at least consumer level) - don't.
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gunnar said:
No it's not about a flash, it's about setting the exposure.

Samyang is a manual lens, i.e. you have to set aperture by turning aperture ring on the lens barrel. So unless your camera can fall back to stopped down metering when it can't control lens' aperture you'll have to switch to M mode and set shutter speed manually as well. This is not a rocket science, but most people prefer to use A mode and let camera choose shutter speed automatically.
All canons support stopped down metering. Most nikons (at least consumer level) - don't.

Ah thanks!

Well I'm kinda getting used to all the settings now, still shooting mainly in A mode, but I'm guessing that this lens will nearly have to be wide open anyway to focus on everything, so it's just a matter of changing the shutter speed for different exposure....

I am looking into getting a D90 next too.

Ah thanks!
I'm guessing that this lens will nearly have to be wide open anyway to focus on everything, so it's just a matter of changing the shutter speed for different exposure....

It's quite soft at F3.5 I find myself shooting mostly at F5.6 - F8. But yes, setting exposure manually is quite easy.
I still say get the Nikon 10.5mm.... It's AF-s so will focus on any body, its well built, its optically brilliant and it supports full metering. Seen them for as low as £350 used in the classifieds....
specialman said:
I still say get the Nikon 10.5mm.... It's AF-s so will focus on any body, its well built, its optically brilliant and it supports full metering. Seen them for as low as £350 used in the classifieds....

I can't see any at the moment... One in the sale section with a chip. There has been a few on eBay, but nothing at the moment. I'll give it a few days see what comes up!

Will I notice the difference for the extra £100 or so?
The only difference you'll notice really is metering. Focusing on fisheye lens is easy ... you simply don't focus at all, just set focus scale to about 2 meters and forget about it. Samyang is also very sharp, except at F3.5. And it's well built.

Also what differs samyang from other fiseyes is it produces stereographic projection not the classic fisheye projection. What it means is it preserves the correct angles between lines and - thus you get less distortion. Sometimes it's even hard to tell that image was taken with fisheye,

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Don't have a fisheye............I've got three :D :p

Nikon 16mm f/2.8 AIS
Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 DX
Bronica 35mm f/3.5 PS

Well it's mainly down to the fact I do a lot of action and sport photography which means I can get closer to the action.......and risk my lens getting hit!!

Here's some of my stuff below


Nikon D70s w/ Nikon 10.5mm f/2.8 DX

Nice saxo

How do you hold the camera still for this, jsut on a tripod ? do you tie it to the back seat to hold it still ?
gunnar said:
The only difference you'll notice really is metering. Focusing on fisheye lens is easy ... you simply don't focus at all, just set focus scale to about 2 meters and forget about it. Samyang is also very sharp, except at F3.5. And it's well built.

Also what differs samyang from other fiseyes is it produces stereographic projection not the classic fisheye projection. What it means is it preserves the correct angles between lines and - thus you get less distortion. Sometimes it's even hard to tell that image was taken with fisheye,

Cheers for that mate... Obviously then, the focus thing isn't an issue with this lens, but will I find the metering annoying at all?

I've got the chance of a nikon 10.5 for about £350 or the samyang for £230... Choices choices! What would you pick?