Anyone got a Fuji Finepix S1850

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A mate is looking for a camera and has seen one of these for £130. He's not really into photography in a big way but I said I do a little research for him. Any comments good or bad on this camera? Could he do better for his money?
If he's just after a point and shoot then bridge cameras don't tend to have a good enough increase in image quality to warrant the extra size and price - for that sort of budget the advice i've always been given is get the best Ixus you can find, which seems to be the 115 HS? Don't quote me on that, might be a place to start though :)
I wouldn't go for that one tbh, I currently have the FujiFilm FinePix S8000fd
which is a brilliant camera if your just into the general point and shoot but still want some good quality and decent zoom.

SI'll change it then :p thanks for the heads up. I am just so used to forums which arent as strict
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Hi James, I know you probably posted this with the best of intentions but I'm sure that trading outwith the proper section is against forum rules.:rules: It doesn't help that you've only got 24 posts either. As I said, I'm asking on behalf of a mate and I'm not personally in the market. I will only pass on information and let him make up his own mind. Thanks for taking time to respond though (y)
I got one at christmas as it had a bigger zoom than the point and shoot but after using it for a few months I upgraded to an eos500 but I still think it was an ok camera,not as good at an DSLR but I thought a good step in the right direction.I know people dont see it the way i do but i don't do pro or semi pro photography I just do it for the pleasure :cool:
The biggest problem I found was the AA battery's god you go through a lot :LOL:

I'll agree with that battery statement, I just bought some Duracel Rechargables in the end, saved me quite a bit of cash.

I'm like you, i do photos for pleasure rather than being pro/semipro, although I would say this camera is fully capable of getting the sort of shots the semi pros get, just gotta know what your doing.